The really bad crush

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Nicole's POV

As you may or may not know- I am sobbing over the fact that my crush likes my friend. She's a really good friend and it's not her fault but I just want to rip everyone's throats out! I hat this cruel world full of spiders just waiting to feast on flies like me who  get caught in their webs! I just hate the fact that I've known him since last year and she's only been here for a week or two and he already likes her. I get- she's really nice and pretty, but crap, David! Why?! I guess I saw this coming. I have a history of liking jerks. I don't know why but I'm attracted to stupidity. Then again, everyone is stupid- I live in a world of stupidity and feel bad for Jacqueline because she is now all caught up on this stupidity. Ugh!!! Why must I always run into this horrible luck!!!!! When thou comes upon a certain nervousness thou fine piece of life speaks of one Old English. Thou is so freaking dumb!!! My life is officially over- or should I say: The sweet seat of it all before the death rises has come to a morbid end. Honestly, I am the stupidest of the stupid! Yes, I do take GT classes and no, I've never gotten anything lower than a B+ but I have obviously horrible common sense! I have a disorder, and I am not talking about SSD (socially scared disorder),  Im talking about my stupidity! David's stupidity! Donald Trump's stupidity! Everyone's stupidity! I have a diagnosis though. SPD (Stupid People Disorder). I apparently have had ever since that day I stuck a key in an outlet. It has only grown thanks to the fact that I STILL like David! This is an outrage! I will stand against haters of the people with SPD! Although we all have it... I just hate David! But that's why I like him! Dang it! Stupidity strikes Nicole L****** once again! I will die alone with 8 cats and a T-Shirt that says "I Suck" with a gallon of ice cream in my hand. I won't make it past 58- I'm telling you! This was a really bad crush- but it won't go a way!

Sorry, this chapter was so short- not a lot happened for me in 7th grade, but it did for Jacki so I have to write all I can remember about that boring year until she finishes. But I'll try to make it awesome for you guys!

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