Snape's Meeting

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"Severus! You've finally decided to show up!" said that buffoon called Crabbe laughed meanly.

"Shut up, Crabbe. I told you I was coming," Snape mumbled.

"Okaaay, let's get this started then. As head of the ME club, also known as the Mudblood Extermination club, I invite all you pureblood wizards to sit down with me at this table of discussion," Crabbe said, formally.

Yeesh, this was intense. Carina could hear everyone in the room sitting down at once.

"Who would like to start?" Crabbe addressed them.

"I have a plan that will humiliate that Evans mudblood," a short boy near the head of the table brought forward.

"Lily Evans?" Snape asked, scared.

"Shut up Snape. Everyone knows you've got a thing for the mudblood. Not surprising, coming from a blood traitor like you. What's the plan Avery?" Crabbe snapped.

"One of us can lead her out to the black lake and then another can push her in. We can throw mud at her face to make her outsides as muddy as her insides!" Avery laughed evily.

Carina grew sick to her stomach. She would have to warn Lily!

"Ah, great idea Avery. When should we do this? Anyone got any ideas?" Crabbe asked.

"Uh, Thursday?" said another voice Carina didn't recognize uncertainty.

"Sure, why not."

Carina sprinted down to the Gryffindor common room.

"Lily!" she shouted.

"Carina, what's it with you and always turning up gasping for breath? What's wrong?" Lily asked, concerned for her friend.

"Snape- Crabbe- Avery- planning to prank you- this Thursday- black lake- mud-"

"Slow down! Catch your breath, I can't understand a word you're saying. Sit down and you can explain it to me."

Carina sat down and told her friend everything she'd just heard.

"Very funny. Severus would never do that to me," Lily said, brushing off Carina's story.

"But he would! In Snape's defense, he didn't seem too thrilled about the idea. But he didn't stand up for you when they called you a mudblood either, so..." Carina trailed off.

"Well, we'll have to see about that. We should probably head off to sleep anyway. They boys went to sleep about an hour ago," Lily yawned.

"Alright. G'night Lily," Carina said as she walked up the stairs to the girls dormitories alongside her friend. She hoped everything would turn out alright.

Author note:
Thank you readers sooooo much for 52 reads! You are all awesome!!

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