Potions Class

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"Ah, we knew it was coming any day now," Sirius said, grabbing the letter from a large barn owl that had just flown into the great hall. Christmas was growing closer and closer, so Carina and Sirius were awaiting the letter--no doubt it was coming--saying they weren't invited home for the holidays. And here it was.

Dear Carina and Sirius,
As you know, Christmas is in a few weeks. The whole Black family will be at our home for Christmas dinner, and would appreciate it if you stayed away. They aren't thrilled with your house placement and would prefer to have dinner without you. Thank you for your understanding. Regulus misses you.

Sincerely, Warburga Black

"Didn't even bother asking how Hogwarts was," Carina laughed humorlessly.

"Well, at least Regulus misses us," Sirius spat.

"Yeah. Unlike our own mother," Carina agreed.

Sirius and Carina pretended like they didn't care that their mother thought of them as a disgrace and an overall nuisance, but underneath, they really wanted a mother who loved them for who they were. This made them grow closer together though, a common problem that they would face together.

"Come on guys. We've got to get to transfiguration," James urged them. The five of them finished up their food and headed off to transfiguration. They didn't get lost anymore, but they still hadn't finished their map. They were completely stumped. It was decided that they would put the map on hold until they learned what spells would actually make it work.

After Transfiguration, they headed off to potions with the Slytherins. They were going to be learning a new potion and didn't want to be late. They hoped it would be something useful in their pranks, since they'd been running out of ideas. When they got to the classroom, they saw Professor Slughorn writing something on the chalkboard.

Forgetfulness Potion
Ingredients: Lethe river water, mistletoe berries, Valerian sprigs
Instructions on page 41 of your potions textbook

"Forgetfulness potion? Okay," Carina muttered to herself, pulling the ingredients out from her bag. Next to her, the others were doing the same. They all got out their cauldrons and following the instructions on the page.

As she worked, she saw Sirius and James whispering and laughing in each other's ears. She could tell they were up to something, and whatever it was, she wanted in. Remus, she saw, could tell too and had come over to caution them against doing anything dangerous. When James whispered their plan in Remus' ear, he let out a sharp laugh. He tried to cover it up, but was still grinning. Carina walked over to see what was going on.

"What are we whispering about?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing. Just had a little idea to get back at old Snivelly," James whispered, a smirk plastered on his face.

"We were thinking... if we slipped a porcupine quill or two into his potion, his potion won't be quite so... perfect," Sirius explained.

"At first we were thinking extra berries, but Remus suggested porcupine quills to get a bigger reaction," James added slyly.

"I'm in. I'll slip them in on my way over to turn in my potion. He'll never suspect a thing," Carina offered.

"Alright, good luck Carina. Make sure you're out of the way before the reaction takes place," Remus advised as she went back over to her cauldron to finish her potion. When she was done, she picked up her cauldron and walked to the front of the room. When she was almost at the front, she slipped the quill into Snape's cauldron, making sure her hand wasn't seen.

Almost immediately, she heard a bubbling sound and a scream. She smiled as she put her cauldron on the teacher's desk. She'd done her job. When she turned around, she saw a green blob bouncing throughout the room and students scrambling onto the desks. She knew the blob wouldn't hurt anyone, but it was funny to watch them scramble about nonetheless.

"Done," Carina said to her friends, satisfied with her work. She and her friends laughed and laughed. When the blob bounced toward them, they kicked it back and forth to each other. Eventually, they turned it into a game the muggles liked to call "football." Everyone in the class joined in, even the teacher, except for Snape and Lily. They were still trying to redo Snape's potion.

When the bell finally rang, almost everyone left in good spirits.

Author note:

Sorry for a later update than usual. This was just a kind of filler chapter anyway. Have a good day :)

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