Secrets revealed

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Time skip: The marauder's mid-second year
Carina was heading back to the common room from the library. She'd gone to do some research on werewolves, since she'd been slacking off lately. When she finally got to the common room, she saw James, Sirius, and Peter staring intensely at her. They looked slightly angry, a touch of mischief gleaming in their eyes.

"Ah. Carina. You've finally returned," James started off, half smiling, half angry-looking.

"What've you been up to, sis?" Sirius asked suspiciously.

"Yeah," added Peter, trying to contribute to this "interrogation."

"Peter, you know we love you buddy, but please don't say anything. You're ruining the vibe of this conversation," James muttered to Peter.

"Ok. Sorry," Peter whispered back.

"What's up with you guys?" Carina laughed nervously.

"Might we ask you the same question?" James replied.

"Seriously, --NO SIRIUS-- what's wrong with you people?" Carina asked, raising her voice.

"We may have... figured something out..." Sirius told her slyly. "And my name's pronounced Sirius."

"JUST GET TO THE POINT ALREADY!" Carina screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Okay, okay. We'll stop taunting you, I guess. For now. Anyway, don't you think it's a little suspicious that every month, our good friend Remus disappears. Every single month, without fail, I might add? And that every single time he disappears, it right around the time of the full moon?" he exclaimed dramatically.

"That's not all. We also found these laying on the common room table this morning and you're the only one that was in here late last night," Sirius threw his arms up in the air for dramatic effect.

"W-what? You-- you're crazy. N-n-nothing's going on with Remus! He's just a normal human! Not a werewolf!" Carina tried to defend her friend's secret.

"Oh Carina. Don't lie to us. We know it, you obviously know it, he knows you know it. There's no denying it! I just wonder why he kept it a secret for so long," James wondered.

"Maybe he just didn't want to loose you guys like he's lost everyone else," Carina blurted.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds. James, Sirius, and Peter all stared at Carina, dumbfounded.

"Ah, well that makes sense..." Sirius tried breaking the silence.

"Promise you won't tell him that you know? He didn't want anyone to know about it," Carina pleaded.

"Sur--wait, then how did you find out?" James questioned, back in "detective James" mode.

"Well... it's a long story that I don't have the time to tell. Please don't tell him though."

"You know I don't like keeping secrets, but I'd do anything for Remus. I just want him to know that I'm there for him and that I'll help him if he needs it. Hey, since you've been studying werewolves, tell us what would help him out when he's transforming," Sirius said.

"Sure. So, I found that werewolves scratch themselves up severely when they're frustrated when they're transforming. I was thinking, since werewolves are only a danger to humans, we could become animagi so we can help him through his transformations," Carina explained.

"Great idea! We'll have to keep it quiet though. It's technically illegal to be unregistered animagi, but we can pull it off," James exclaimed.

"Yeah! I'll be a dog," Sirius shouted.

"Sirius, what did I literally just say about keeping it quiet?" James hushed him.

"Ok, ok. We need time to think about what we're going to be transforming into. I'll go pick up a book from the library on animagus," Carina turned around and headed out the portrait hole.

Just as she was about to climb through, she heard James say, "I can't wait to tell Lupin we're helping him out."

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