04 Walking with a friend in the dark

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   As we wander in the world, we start to get used to our lives some faster then others. We soon start to live with the pain even though we will never stop getting hurt by it we live with it. Soon enough we will start to only see others in life painted grey walking around like no one is around them. To the average person they see nothing but to those of us who know how painful and unforgiving reality can be we roam around together giving us some sort of ease. We talk about what has happened and how far we had sank but one most common thing among us is the power of acting. Acting is another form of covering our nerves with a deranged smiled. Some not most masted this act and can get away from more troubles them have caused themselves. With me iv been acting my whole life rather much iv been playing my life as a simple act but the more you use it the more it can cause more damage to ones self. You will slowly lose you emotions and replace them with fake ones and the smile and laughter will be only a cover up. You'r small hope in the darkness will be nothing more then an illusion if you completely submerge yourself into these lies you once used against everyone who came into contact. What i like to think instead of wandering aimlessly in the dark covered in lies is that iv passed all that and that i'm just floating in a empty void. There is only one way you can ease this on a person who has sank deeper then one can go and that is having a hand or shoulder to use. A friend in the dark can be very helpful. It wont take away you'r pain or you'r lies but it will keep you straight. When i have fallen and i can't find my way out i have a friend who is always there to grab my hand and say get it even if he has to yell or push me to do so. At times it gets annoying but i will always ease up on him. Even though he in most likely in the same spot as me he always pushes me up and you begin to notice since you'r rising he will also rise along side with you. Iv faced my demons before. In the beginning i have ran and ran but sooner or later they are still there with there dark eyes and worn out insane smiles. As time grew i sometimes ran and others fought head on and believe me the feeling of winning over them is so great if may fill you with joy. After that you soon think that you'r joy may be real or may be another thing you mind has created. When i say that i mean when you think you'r demons are gone they are really hiding waiting for something else in life to mess with you. Some get it over with but other stay with you the longest like having some form of problem in you'r family or at school. For me its life and the way its been treating me and i know life can be a bitch but try having you'r whole life filled with bad unforgettable events. It may sound like a cartoon or something that really isn't possible but it can be. Maybe some have already seen these things happen and think they can occur but very less likely to do so. Bad events no matter how small or great they can be, they can happen even if its one percent its still there. At least its better to walk in the dark with a friend then walk alone in the horrors of you'r own mind and shallow heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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