I'd Serial-Kill for Your Love (One-Shot)

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Hey, guys! Just a heads up, this one-shot has to deal with blood/death/gore. There isn't really a lot, but if any of that triggers you, I'd rather you be safe than sorry.  I'll be leaving a summary of the one-shot at the bottom for any of you who can't read the actual thing. This one was also written by my lovely friend, @a_complicated_life, so shout out to her! 

And now, onto the story...

Ethan was disappointed when the screaming stopped. 

Frowning, he glared down at his victim, who stared back up at him with glassy, unseeing eyes. Blood dripped from the mans mouth, pooling down on the surgical table beside him. Several wounds decorated his face, oozing dark blood in a way that was oddly satisfying. "He's dead," Ethan complained, stomping his foot.

"That's the point," Tyler drawled from his chair a few feet away, flipping through a magazine. "You know. We kill people and get money for it. Do I have to explain it to you again?"  

"No." Maybe. Ethan turned to stick his tongue out at Tyler. "I understand perfectly. What I don't understand is what you've been doing with my share of the money."  

For the past couple of months Tyler has been withholding Ethan's cut of the money, which has been slowly pissing him off. After all, Ethan did majority of the killing. Tyler was the one who found them jobs, which admittedly was important, but dammit Ethan liked money too. He enjoyed setting it on fire and burning his victims with it.  

To him, that was all money was good for.  

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Let's be real here, blue boy. You don't give a damn about the money we make." 

Even though Ethan was angry at Tyler, he couldn't help the warmth that spread through his body at the endearing term. Ever since he had dyed his hair that color, Tyler had taken to referring to him as "blue boy". And he had to admit, he liked it. "I care when I use it as a torture device!" 

Tyler sighed and threw the magazine to the side, knowing that he wasn't going to finish looking at it anytime soon. "Sweetie I just bought you a new meat cleaver. Isn't that enough?" 

"No!" Granted, the meat cleaver was nice, and Ethan liked the fact that he could see his reflection in it. But that wasn't the point of it! "Look, when we started this, the deal was 50/50 on EVERYTHING. Labor, money, etc. But now I'm not getting my half!"  

"Why didn't you bring this up in bed last night?" Tyler shot back, his eyes flaring in irritation. "None of this mattered when your hands were gripping the sheets and when I had you out of breath! Or when my head was between your legs and your hands were tight in my hair. No, it's when you're out of people to torture that you turn to me!" 

Part of Ethan knew this to be true, but all he wanted to do at the moment was be angry. Letting his emotions take over, he flipped over the surgical table, sending the limp body and a few of his tools to the ground. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the new meat cleaver and brandished it in Tyler's direction, who merely raised an eyebrow. "Of course it mattered to me! You're using my love of murder to make money off of me!" 

Ethan cared about Tyler, he really did. Tyler was the only one who accepted his hobby and who actually encouraged it. The sex was great, and they've had some great times together. But enough was enough. If Tyler really was using him, then he wouldn't hesitate to end his life. 

No matter how good he was in bed.  

Tyler stared at Ethan for a second, eyebrow still raised, before reaching into his coat and pulling out a small pistol, which he pointed at Ethan. He froze, shaking as Tyler rose from his seat. 

"Don't make me use this." Tyler's voice was low and steady, but he was undeniably angry. "We have been a team for years, and I thought we were better than this." 

"What are you doing with my half, Ty?" At the moment that was all that mattered to Ethan. Even though he had no real use for it, it was the principle of the matter. If he would do this, what else has he been doing behind Ethan's back? 


"Tell me Tyler!" 

"Fine!" Outraged, Tyler flung the gun across the room, which was not safe in the slightest, pulled out his phone. He furiously typed something into it before tossing it to Ethan, who barely managed to catch it. "There! You happy now?" Sighing, he plopped back down on the chair and rubbed his face. 

Curiosity caused Ethan to drop the cleaver and peer at the screen. On it was a real estate site, and it showed a pleasant looking farm. "What the hell is this?"  

"It's where all our money has been going. Not just yours, mine as well. I did keep some of mine to pay for some of our current expenses, but everything else went to that." 

"What even is it?" Ethan was puzzled. 

"I-I thought it would be a good place to live," Tyler mumbled, scratching his head. "Its almost in the middle of nowhere, and it has two barns. I figured you could use one to torture people, and we could put some piggies or - look, it was supposed to be a surprise, okay?" 

Ethan couldn't explain the surge of emotions pulsing through him at that moment. Tyler wasn't backstabbing him. He was thinking of the future. A future where they were together. 

Dropping the phone into a puddle of blood, Ethan moved to straddle Tyler. "I'm sorry baby," he murmured, spreading kisses along his cheek and neck. "I thought you had turned on me." 

"I'd never do that," Tyler whispered back, running a hand through Ethan's blue hair. "You'd kill me." 

At least he knew it. 

They made out for a little bit, before Ethan pulled away. "You know," he whispered, moving to reposition himself. "If we flip that table back over it'd make a great bed." 

Tyler wrinkled his nose. "That's very unsanitary." 

"Or I can grab my brand new meat cleaver again and we can have some fun." 

Tyler sighed as he pushed Ethan off him, but he was smiling. "Okay, but let's get rid of this body first."


Hey, guys! So, if you did not read the above, Ethan and Tyler are co-hitmen (Tyler finds the jobs and Ethan is a crazy killer obsessed with torture. Ethan turns on Tyler because he hasn't been getting any of his share of the money lately (he doesn't need it, he just likes to use it for torture), so they fight and finally Tyler fesses up. Turns out, he's been putting the money towards a private property for the two of them with two barn houses - one for business and another for possibly farm animals. Tyler lowkey wants a nice domestic life. So, Ethan forgives him because that's the sweetest thing ever. 

That's the essential gist of the story. I'm sorry if it's not really your thing, but I think it's pretty neat! It's a cool idea, I personally enjoyed reading it. 

Oh! And, before I forget, if anyone would ever like to draw fanart for the chapters or send in pictures or anything, please feel free! I'll make sure to give credit to the artist, of course, and it'd be much appreciated! 

Don't forget to leave recommendations/requests in the comments! I work best when given inspiration. 

Thanks all you lovelies for the votes on the chapters - it's really encouraging seeing people enjoy this! I hope you all have a lovely day!!

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