The Missing Beanies HC

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Hey, guys! This is the headcannon where The Missing Beanies One-Shot spawned from! Enjoy!

- Ethan buys Tyler beanies every now and then because he knows he loves to wear them.

- And sometimes he steals them while he's editing because he's smol and gets cold easily and it makes him happy to be wearing something of Tyler's.

- But then he forgets to give them back to Tyler.

- And Tyler's always looking for his beanies.

- And when Ethan hears him asking everyone if they've seen his beanie(s), and he has an "oh shit" moment.

- And so later he tries to sneak them back into Tyler's room.

- But Tyler sees him and asks him what he's doing. 

- And Ethan just kind of panics and bolts.

- Because how is he supposed to tell Tyler that he really likes him and wearing his beanie makes him happy?

- And then Ethan talks to Mark about it later, but he's not really helpful. 

- Or is he?

- Mark does some reconnaissance and asks Tyler how he feels about the baby blue boy.

- And Tyler makes him swear not to tell anyone.

- Because he knows how Mark is.

- But he admits that he thinks Ethan is cute.

- But he doesn't think Ethan feels that way about him.

- And of course Mark can't keep his mouth shut.

- So the second he hears this he's all, "OMG OMG OMG."

- And runs off and gets Ethan. 

- And he's like, "FUCKING GO FOR IT, DUDE!"

- And Ethan's just like, ???

- What the fuck is wrong with you, Mark.

- So nothing happens for a while.

- But Ethan keeps stealing Tyler's beanies anyways. 

- And eventually Ethan's working late in the office editing, and Tyler comes in to check on him and make sure he's okay.

- And he sees that he's wearing his beanie.

- And at first he's like, "Wtf, why are you wearing my beanie."

- But then it clicks.

- And he's just like, "oh. That's why Mark asked."

- And after watching Ethan for a few more minutes he's just like, "You know what? Fuck it."

- And walks up and kisses Ethan.

- And Ethan's just like, ???

- But he's also super happy because he was crushing hella hard and now they're kissing???

- aaaaahhhhhh

Hey, everyone! Like I said at the beginning, this is the original headcannon that I wrote about beanies! I decided to write a One Shot based off of it because I realized that I had given myself a basic plot outline -all I needed to do was add some details! 

I'm really happy everyone's enjoyed so far, and I really hope this helps me to develop as a writer and learn how to be happy finishing things since that's what I'm the worst at. :)

Please feel free to leave a request for a Headcannon or a One-Shot in the comments because I absolutely love writing them, and I hope everyone has a lovely day!

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