Twitter Tags (HC)

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- Ethan low key loves giving Tyler shit about every time he goes on some philosophical rant on Twitter

- But at the same time he loves it

- And so when Tyler isn't paying attention, Ethan goes through and carefully reads every tweet, committing it to memory

- And eventually he's done this so often that Tyler's upset or something

- And Ethan is trying to make him feel better

- And he quotes one of Tyler's tweets 

- And Tyler just kinda stops and looks at him 

- And he's like

- "What" 

- And Ethan's just like 

- "Oh shit" 

- And Tyler's like, "Did you just quote one of my tweets?" 

- "... no." 

- "You fuckin' did!" 


- And so now sometimes Tyler will tag Ethan in his twitter rants 

- And you can hear Ethan screaming from across the house  


Hey, guys! Sorry this is so late, I've had a lot of work this afternoon, and I'm currently writing a one shot that should hopefully go up by this weekend - fingers crossed!

Don't forget to send me requests if there's something you really want to see, and let me know if anyone's interested in doing a daily/weekly/upload-ly Q&A where I'll answer a question from the comments at the end of a chapter. 

I hope you all have a lovely day! Thank you! 

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