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What the hell is he doing here? I thought to myself as i made my way to my car, He shouldn't be here, the girl lived miles from here, thousands of miles, how could he have found Nora? It didn't make any sense to me, I shook my head and threw myself into the drivers seat of my Lotus Espirit, gripping the steering wheel i rested my head against it and tried to arrange my thoughts. He's not the typical Nora type, he's her opposite, he's dangerous, and she's so..... straight and narrow, surely Blythe wouldn't- Before i realised what was happening, I started the car and floored it, heading for Blythe's office.

As i stepped through the door, I let my eyes examine the interior,  it wasn't exciting, white walls, carpeted floor, desks laid out along one wall, advertisements for housing along the opposite wall, I scanned the personal sat at each desk and made a beeline for the one furthest from the door and sat in the chair opposite her, she was staring intently at a computer screen and typing furiously. Clearing my throat i said "You never did take a day off" Blythe dragged her eyes from the computer monitor, and turned to face me and i could see she was struggling to place me, i reached out and gently prodded her mind towards her memories and watched as her recognition of me made her face beam with a smile, even with a few extra lines at the corners of her eyes, her smile reminded me of how young and happy she used to be. "Cathy!" She stood from her seat and walked around the desk, pulling me into her arms, she was wearing a navy blue pencil skirt, white blouse, and formal black heels, no more than 3 or 4 inches. I couldn't help but grin and wrap my arms around her, she was a few inches shorter than me. 

"Hello Blythe" She held me at arms length and though she smiled, i could see the exhaustion in her eyes. "You haven't changed at all, you still look like.... well you" She laughed and i smiled , "Neither have you" She waved away the compliment and invited me to sit, i sat down and watched her collapse in her chair, obviously relieved to be taking a break. "Does Nora know you're in town?" I nodded, "We ran into each a few minutes ago.. she was with Patch" I watched her expression carefully, wandering if I'd see some sort of sign of acceptance, i got the opposite. She frowned and rubbed her forehead "I have a bad feeling about that boy, he's no good for Nora" I breathed a sigh of relief inside my head Thank God for that , i tried to appear nonchalant as she said this and leaned forward "How so?" She shook her head and sighed "He's so.... mysterious, and plays pool, he doesn't talk about his past and I have no idea where they go when they're together" I nodded sympathetically and leaned across the desk to rub her shoulder. "I could always try and find out for you, I mean, me and Nora were always close, maybe i can find out about him for you?" and about what the hell he's doing here. I added, but to myself, no need to worry her...yet. She smiled in relief "Oh Cathy would you? It's not that i don't trust her... it's him" I nodded "I understand" I stood and smiled "I have a few errands to run, I hope to see you soon Blythe" She looked up at me, her eyes suddenly full of sorrow "You know you could always come back, we have room for you Cathy"

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the farmhouse, I remember Harrison and Blythe taking me in after a "freak" fire burnt my apartment down, that's when i first met Nora, sweet, little Nora, she was so headstrong back then, Harrison drove me to work each day, and back in the evenings, and Blythe made the most amazing spaghetti, i smiled and opened my eyes,"I'd love to come back" Her face lit up and she clapped her hands gleefully, "Oh fantastic! It'll be just like old times" We shared a sad smile and i kissed her cheek "I'll meet you there okay?" She nodded and I turned my back, left the store, and headed for my car. I'll get to the bottom of this Patch, if you hurt her, God help you. I laughed bitterly at my own ironic comment as i slid into my car, i took one look behind me and launched my car onto the road. 

Look out Cipriano. There's no getting away from me this time. 

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