Brewing Troubles

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"legate Rikke, you're back" said a much calmer Tullius to his second in command, when she walked through the door of Thd castle Dour. "Good news, I hope?"

She shook her head, "windhelm still as bad as it was when you left it. The nords refuse to rebuild, saying 'it will dishonor our ancestors', the dunmer say the Decree of the Monument gives them Thd right to refuse work in skyrim, and there are no argonians left in windhelm."

Tullius blinked,  "no argonians left? What's that supposed to mean?"

"When we joined The local infiltration units in the docks, they were in battle against Ulfric and a few of his men. The argonians who normally roam the Docks were all dead, their Assemblage building torched by some rogue Catapult fire."

Tullius said "do we at all know  who's responsible?" "No, sir. Brunwulf and his platoon of dunmer said nothing about it"

Tullius thought nothing about it, "probably the rebels. Just blame them if anyone asks"

"Sir, you and I both know The Hlaalu hate the Argonians more than the Stormcloaks did" "do you find any of the stormcloaks to be witness against us?"

Rikke sighed, "no, sir" get officer said "good. More come on, wet have more important things to discuss"


the silent shade moved through the shadows of Thd great frigates warehouse. He speed before a man in a sailor's apparel, and with a hand covering his mouth, dragged him to an empty room.

"Hngh!" Thd man tried to alarm Thd soldiers, to no avail.

Thd masked assassin, wearing Thd black armor of Intrigue,  said "this one has some questions for you, human. Will you answer them?"

The man would've answered 'NO!', but the long katana pointed at his face made his think twice. He nodded, fear evident in his eyes. "How many aculati agents are stationed here? Do you know of it?"

The shade slowly removed Thd hand covering Thd sailor's mouth, and he whispered "Thirty five, that's all i-"

Thd hand covering his mouth returned. "Do any of them have the keys to the Emperor's quarters?"

The man shook his head fearfully, Thd assassin nodded, and said "Thd void awaits you, human." Before plunging his dagger into Thd man's chest.

Three hours Later, the last members of the Penitus Aculatus agents stationed in skyrim were dead, and the emperor was found floating on the waters near the vessel.


"Ambassador Elenwen!" A thalmor Justiciar called as he knocked Thd door to Thd ambassador's private quarters.

"Come in" the Thalmor torturer-turned-polititian, "what is it that required my personal attention this late at night?"

"Both our plans have born fruit, ma'am. The dark brotherhood accomplished their greatest contact yet, and our puppet Arch-mage was accepted by the Savages up north."

She nodded, "what about that pesky battlemage Ancano reported about?" "No sign of him, Ma'am. The entourage looked everywhere in he college. No sign of the Pesky Dunmer"

Elenwen grit her teeth, "find him. It is absolutely necessary they our version of the events in Thd college remain unchallenged."

The Thalmor Justiciar, Serna Voramar, nodded, "yes, ambassador. I will relay that message to the proper ears before this morning. Is there nothing else?"

"It is perhaps the time for us to start using the old Headquarters Above the Castle dour again. Do an install inspection of the justiciars stationed here, and being me a report before the end of tomorrow."


"Legate Eriksen, welcome!" Said Imperial Legate Ciao Vesuvius, commander of the Fourth Legion, to one of his legates.

"Sir, you asked for me?"

"Indeed I did. Come, join me. I have a long task for you!"  

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