You Love Me For It

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It had started so simply, so randomly. Harry had taken to spending more of his nights in the astronomy tower then in his bed, letting the cold night air sooth away his troubles. He and Ron had been on shaky ground for weeks now and he was having a hard time dealing with the red head. Their main problem as of late had been the red head's sister: Ginny. Ron just didn't get why Harry wouldn't date her again like she wanted and he was running out of excuses why he couldn't. He'd just never really liked the girl, she was too loud and it was too infuriating to even think about what she had done when they had dated last time, but Ron just wouldn't let up. He didn't care if Harry didn't like his sister, she liked him and to him that's all mattered to Ron. This argument had lead to Hermione being cross at him and the three not speaking much anymore. Harry never felt so alone when he needed friends so badly. Maybe it was due to his loneliness that had lead them to each other.

Harry had been sitting up in the tower for hours when he heard the creaking of the door being opened. His first thought was that one of the teachers had finally caught him and he turned to face the music with a pained expression on his face. Imagine his surprise when instead of Snape he was faced with a very different Slytherin. Draco's white blonde hair was the first thing to give away his identity followed by the rest of the Slytherin's green robes. He seemed unaware of Harry's presence and turned to make his way to the nearest window, presumably to do exactly what Harry was doing. Hiding or just star gazing, he wasn't sure. He didn't even glance at Harry's direction as he plopped down on the cold flood in front of a window across the room. The Boy-Who-Lived just sat there and watched the reason why he would never date again Ginny stare out the window. His heart clenched painfully as he realized if Draco knew he was there the Gryffindor was as good as dead. So instead of staring out the window Harry's gaze stayed on the even more beautiful sight of a star gazing Draco.

It could have been hours or days or years and Harry wouldn't have noticed. All he was aware of was the slightly drooping eyes of the pale boy across from him beginning to stay shut longer and longer until they didn't open again. He'd fallen asleep. Harry blushed like crazy as he realized Draco would have to be moved before he fell off the windows edge. He couldn't exactly take the boy back to his room, but he could get him as far as the entrance to the Slytherin common rooms. Being as gentle as possible Harry picked up the sleeping boy and carried him threw the thankfully empty halls of Hogwarts. Draco was lighter then he'd expected, almost worryingly so. He was also so beautiful when he was asleep. For once he wasn't sneering or glaring at him and Harry finally had the chance to enjoy Draco's unmarred beauty.

It was like holding an angel in his arms. His own personal angel that spent his days planning Harry's down fall.

He shouldn't have wanted to kiss the boy in his arms or hold him closer. He shouldn't have, but he did. He should have liked Ginny like everyone expected, not the blond in his arms. Anyone, but him. He couldn't help but want the Slytherin Prince though. He wanted the only person he'd ever met that never saw him as the boy who lived. He saw the messy haired, gangly, underweight boy that Harry was....And hated him for it. Had Harry not been born that generation Draco would have been the king of the school instead of the prince. His name would have been the most know of the generation and Harry might have stood a chance at getting his attention. Even if it was just the slimmest of chances.

Draco shifted ever so slightly in his arms and buried his head in the folds of Harry's robes. His expression shifted to that of a heartbreaking smile that an angel would have envied. Harry returned it with a much more bitter one.

"Why you? Why you out of everyone?" Harry whispered into the darkness.

When he finally got to the dungeons Harry paused a moment to enjoy holding Draco just a little longer. He didn't want to just leave Draco on the cold stone floor where he might catch a cold. It took him a moment to realize that just outside the common room stood a portrait of a snake that was staring at him very intently.

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