The Best Christmas Present

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Decorate the trees, eat lots and lots of cake XD, put up socks and what not!!!!

So, just for you all, I wrote this special Drarry oneshot for Christmas!!!

Hope you enjoy!


Christmas was on the way and everyone was excited for their journey home, except a few students. One of them being the Chosen one, and the other, his arch enemy, Draco Malfoy.

Draco, though he'd not admit it if you ask him, preferred spending his Christmas in Hogwarts rather than his home, where his father will constantly keep on forcing him to be worthy enough to serve the Dark Lord.

And in case of Harry, he'd rather bear Malfoy's bickering than tolerate the Dursleys.


Harry woke up with the sunlight falling on his face and the tinkering sound of the Christmas bells. He looked around the room and found that everyone in their dorms had left for home, and Harry was feeling a bit lonely.

He put on his glasses and lazily proceeded downstairs towards their common room. He was more than delighted to find a stack of presents near the hearth addressed to him, the front ones being from his two best friends—Hermione and Ron. He was looking from one present to another (from Seamus, Dean, Neville, Angelina, Parvati and Padma, etc.) when suddenly a rather unique present caught his eyes which looked a bit out of place.

It was carefully kept on top of the hearth, with a dark, red rose attached to it. Harry tenderly took hold of the thing and opened it.

There was a magnificent silver ring, with a bright emerald fixated in the middle. Harry was admiring its beauty when a small note fell from the side on the floor. He picked it up and carefully opened it, in which was written in a very neat handwriting,

 He picked it up and carefully opened it, in which was written in a very neat handwriting,

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Harry's heart suddenly started beating a million per second and he was lost. He felt dizzy after such a blatant confession. It didn't take him even 1/2 a second to figure out who the initials belong to.

With trembling hands, he took the ring and slid it on his ring finger. As soon as he did, a soothing and warm sensation spread throughout his body.

Harry went upstairs, towards his room as fast as he could and took out a small parchment from his drawer. He wrote something very neatly on it and tied it with a eternal rose, similar to the one he received.

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