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The Great Hall was bustling with students hungry after a long days' lessons, not to mention the fact that there were more people than usual anyway-the eighth year students added to the student body by quite a proportion.

Of course, Draco Malfoy wasn't paying attention to any of the trivial second years worrying about their latest Charms exam.

Harry Potter was sitting across the Hall at the Gryffindor table, and it appeared that the Boy Who Lived had skipped dinner and gone straight to the dessert. A small glass bowl of chocolate chips sat before him, and the boy munched as he talked to Weasley and Granger.

Fucking Potter and his fucking fame and good looks and nice arse and...

Draco stopped his thoughts before they got even more out of control. Because what had happened in Potions the other day was not appropriate in the Great Hall, though it may have been easier to hide, being as the tables were covered with long white cloths that were good for hiding...problems. However, there were many more people and a closer environment. Another reason why the addition of the eighth year students was obnoxious, though necessary. Draco wouldn't even be here, he reflected, if it had not been for his mother, who insisted. Lucius had been put in Azkaban for a five-year sentence.

Draco shuddered as the memories of the trials engulfed him.

He had been tried as a minor, then let off with a warning, seeing as he had been forced into the acts that he had done. His father and mother, however, had been tried in front of the full Wizengamot, charged with treason, arson, murder, and other various felonies that all dictated life sentences or the Dementor's Kiss.

And those fates would have befallen them, if not for the Chosen One.

The trial had been underway, the reading of the charges done, and the first witness about to be called, the wife of a man that Lucius had been forced to kill called Theodore Malrich.

Before the new head of the court could call his name, however, the black stone doors banged open again.

"I apologize, Minister," said a terribly familiar voice, speaking directly to Kingsley Shacklebolt. "I mistook the time."

Draco froze as soon as the person spoke, the sleeves on his stiff black robes suddenly feeling abrasive and uncomfortable against his bare arms. No. He couldn't be here, at a Death Eater trial, no less, unless he was just here to laugh and rub it into Malfoy's face...

"State your name and purpose," said the head of court.

"Harry James Potter," said Harry James Potter, flicking his vivid green eyes up into the obsidian stands. "Son of James and Lily Potter, head to the House of Potter and heir to the House of Black. Purpose, to testify on Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy's behalf, with their consent."

The crowd that had come out to see the Malfoy name obliterated and smeared onto the grimy stone walls of Azkaban gave a collective, indrawn gasp. Immediately, a low buzzing filled the room as all the spectators began muttering among themselves.

"I will have order!" the head of court shouted, his double chin wobbling. "Harry James Potter, is it your wish to testify for the benefit or malediction of the accused?"

Everyone fell silent, holding their breath as they waited for the Boy Who Lived Twice to answer.

"For the benefit," said Harry, and the room exploded again.

"I WILL HAVE ORDER!" the fat head of court said again, banging the first thing he could find against the podium in front of him, which ended up being a bottle of ebony ink. It shattered and dripped everywhere, and the witch next to him hurriedly performed a Cleaning Charm before it got on his notes.

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