Chapter Two: Mate Found!

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~Theo's POV~

We are nearly soundless as we carefully trudge though the snow thats up to my bellybutton. Part of me wants to shift and run through the snow in my Bear form, but I cant blow this mission just to have fun.

Shivering, I look to see Ashely is as unbothered by the weather as ever, making me wish I could shift even more.

"Ashely, set up the tent while Theodore and I set up a perimeter," says Captain Clive, with witch we respond in unison with a 'yes sir.'

This makes Ashley and I look at each other then giggle before going on with what we where told.

" least they're trying to be more serious..." mumbles Clive, making me smile as we walk in opposite directions, Ashely staying between us in the middle of camp.

We get about about five yards away then begin walking in a circle, me walking to where Clive started, him walking to where I did, forming our temporary camp.

Keeping my eyes peeled for anything, I scan the untouched snow beyond our little circle, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Not seeing much and making it to where Clive started, I walk down his path towards the center where Ashley has the tent set up already. We head inside, and I'm shocked to see the inside is impossibly bigger than the tent itself.

I cant help but let out a stunned 'wow,' making Clive look at me with a raised brow.

"Did you not read about the tents we use? Or did you only pay attention to the things you could use your powers on?" He asks accusingly, making me blush and nod.

"This is a nice surprise though," I say then look around more, deciding I should re-read the information book on our supplies in grater detail.

The tent is about ten by ten feet with a high celling, some windows we can see out of with no one seeing in. There is just a thin table that looks like it'll break if I just lay my hand on it. Ashley is sitting down at it already, looking at some maps strewn across it.

"I believe we are here," she says pointing to a spot near the base of a mountain range in the middle of Russia. Its called the Putorana State Natural Reserve. "And this is the warehouse Dernov hosts his meetings in," she adds moving her finger several inches from where we are, along the base of the mountain towards a Human town marked on it.

"Why is it so big? As far as I know, there aren't any other towns this large, this far north," I say, vocalizing my confusion.

"They're up here drilling for oil on a huge deposit that was found. I hear once it dries up, the town will become none-existent save for the few people who sometimes cant let go of places," Ashely says, sounding fascinated by the information.

"Don't get distracted, focus on why we're here, tell me the plan so I know you remembered it Theo," says Clive pointedly, trying to get us on track.

I clear my throat and look at the warehouse.

"You're going to enter the meeting place posing as a new-comer, to get information on what Dernov... I can't pronounce his last name... is planning to do next against the Wolven Empire," I say, paraphrasing the plan.

"And," he emphasizes, "you two are to stay inside here waiting for me. If something happens, you're stronger together, teleport with the Deep Dark Rock if you can, if you cant, fight your way out."

"I hope it doesn't come to that," Ashely says frowning, while eying me worriedly.

She's much stronger than I am.

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