Peter Parker drabble

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Peter Parker is such a dork though? C'mon and if you know about him being Spidey (which you will, Peter Parker is literally the worst at lying) think of him knowing you like a certain hero a lot, so at the fight in Germany he's swinging around, his phone webbed to one hand taking pictures and selfies to send you mid swing. Probably trying to get your favorites to wave or say hi to the camera because "My girlfriend is a huge fan! could you just wave at the-" before he gets hit by Redwing or giant Scott

when he gets back from Germany and you're trying to help patch him up but he keeps squirming because he's too excited and fangirling about everyone he saw and that he held Captain America's shield "Can you believe it (Y/n)? I held THE Captain America's shield! and he talked to me too! and there was this guy with a really cool metal arm, and one dude was like a cat, the Scarlet Witch was there too! and this one guy was really tiny but he got really big so I-" 'Peter quit moving for one second! Please'

"But (Y/n) you don't understand, it was so cool! and the new suit Mr. Stark gave me is so much more superhero-y than my old one, it's a bit tight around-I'm not complaining though! I just need to work on my landings, and did I tell you about the Black Widow being there? and- ow, that's still sore."

"Sorry Peter, but getting hit with a truck will usually do that to you." you say, pressing the ice pack against his sore arm "Also, you remember we have a test this week, right?" Peter's eyes widen in panic "WHAT?! oh no my homework!" *he screeches before scrambling towards his desk and fumbling for his backpack.

"Oh Peter."

And my love of Peter has made a small influx in Spidey headcanons, I hope you enjoy!

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