Silence is deadly

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"What do you see?" A small voice spoke with a icy tone. All I could see was darkness and I grew a bit impatient. The voice seemed to noticed "relax" it stated calmly. I frown as nothing seemed to happen in the darkness.

"This is stupid! It isn't gonna work!" I yelled as my patiences grew thinner by the second. I ripped the cloth that was wrapped around my eyes off. My eyes begun to adjust to the lighting in the room.

The room was empty and poorly lighted. It wasn't large room. The walls were made of a dark oak wood. The floors were the same as the walls. There was candles lit on each over of the room. There was a sliding door that lead out the room and into a hallway.

Two monks had companied me to the room. They were covered head to toe in a large robes. One wore a dark blue robe and the other wore a forest green robe. The monks both looked at each other before looking towards me. They spoke in union " Master Mitsuo the third eye takes many training sessions to achieve. It may take years as well"

I gripped the cloth in my hand before yelling angrily. "My brother mastered it by mistake! While I'm stuck in this stupid room doing nothing!"

The monks looked away in shame.  Everyone does that when I bring up my older brother. They have no right to look away when He is brought up.

I huffed in anger and tossing the cloth aside before storming out of the empty room. The monks didn't stop me.

My name is Mitsuo Pheles. I come from a long line of supernatural servants. In recent events it's now illegal to have my kind as servants. My family are physics in a way, but our third eye is physical. The third eye would be on our foreheads when we achieve them. It helps predict things such as future events that are important. Many elders in my family even use their third eye to levitate object and shatter objects.

To achieve the third eye, a person must train for years, but not my brother. My brother's power was stronger then anyone in our family line. He awoken his third eye by mistake, before he even turned ten which makes him a legend. My brother was the golden gift to my family from the gods, but the gods can be cruel.

My brother Saito was different from the family.  He was a person that can smile anything off and he could laugh at any joke that was told to him. He loved to wander off like a explorer. Every one wondered how he could wander off so easily. The family house had massive walls surrounding it but it kept it a distances from the house by five miles.

The first time he wandered off, our parents panicked about him and make everyone scan the area for my brother but their third eyes didn't find him. He had came home three days later he had came home with berries that grew on the other side of the wall. Our parents grounded him, since he was only six he didn't understand why they had punished him.

When my brother's third eye came in, our parents let him wander all he wanted, but one day he just left and never came back. Our parents were heart broken, at first my mother was in denial for about a two years, say that he will be back. It was hopeless and it broken my heart to see her that way. It was strange when after they realized he wasn't coming the family began to talk that it was inside job that a phele can't just disappear while having a third eye pop out like a eye sore in the world.

My brother was suppose to be the head of the family, but now all that responsibility had fallen onto me. I was considered the youngest headmaster since my father had died when I was fifteen years old.

My brother was a legend when he was ten and now the family line has done everything they can do remove him from the family line and everything about him. He became the black sheep of the family.

"Son" a smoothing voice spoke out. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to meet my mom's disappointed face. Her long black hair reached to her waist and her bangs covered her third eye. The ends of her hair was curled in different directions. Her pale skin was flawless and complimented her bright blue eyes. She was nicknamed 'Snow White' after a children's fairytale. She was petite and small compared to everyone in the family. It was a shock that she had two kids. "Mitsuo.. I heard you been having trouble with training..." she spoke gently as she slowly made her way to me. She smiled softly as she reached up and placed her hand on my cheek. "You resemble your father so much.. right down to his impatience ways." She let out a small chuckle as her features grew soft.

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