Eerie Dream

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My head snapped up and I rushed to the bathroom door and yanked it open and saw the monk in the green robes. Her hood was pulled down and her eyes widen at the sight of me. "You're injured!" She stated loudly.

I quickly covered her mouth and looked both ways of the hallway before looking down at the monk "yes and I would love if you would refrain from shouting it to the world.." I stated calmly.

The monk nodded like she understood and I took my hand away. "I'll heal you" she stated bluntly as she pushed me into the bathroom. I was confused and shocked at the sudden control she was taking. "Sit on the ground" she ordered.

I sighed as I collapsed on the ground without a second thought and watched as the monk rolled up her sleeves. She kneeled in front of me with a determined look in her eyes "who had done this to you?" She asked as her hands glowed a faint green color. The monk gently placed her left hand on the cut on my cheek and her right hand on my forehead. I was a bit taken back since my wounds began to numb up and I felt a warm feeling in the back of my head.

The monk's eyes turned stone cold as she waited for my answer to her question. I sighed since she won't take silence as an answer. "I.. I don't know..This is the second time and I don't understand why it's happening to me" I stated calmly and truthfully. I leaned back as I felt my body begin to relax. "You mustn't tell anyone about this" I stated to the monk.

She looked at me with a strange look that I wasn't familiar with. "Are you insane! What if something or someone is targeting you! Or worse! That your third eye has came in and you hurting yourself!" She stated as she pulled her hands back "your healing is done.." she muttered softly as she stood up. She pulled her hood up  "I won't tell anyone... but know this.. if you somehow die by this then I will be feel with guilty for letting it happen.." she spoke gently. The monk's words slipped into my body like a virus and stuck in.

I took a deep breath looked away "fine.. I'll tell someone." I stated as I slowly stood up. The first person that came to mind was Lance since my mother was questionable at the moment and maybe if I tell Lance then he will feel a bit willing to tell me about my mother's plans. The world spun a bit as I stood and monk reached towards me. I held my hand out to stop her "I got this. I don't need any help" I spoke out proudly as I stood tall. "I have to go now.. I think you should leave too" I stated in a ordering tone as I made my way to the bathroom door. "I shall be fine now. I must find Lance"

I opened the door and slowly made my way out into the hallway. The monk didn't stop me as I stumbled to the wall across from me, but I can feel her staring at me. "You can't just walk around like that. You need to rest." the monk stated calmly as she walked out into the hallway. I rolled my eyes since she couldn't stop me. "This Lance person probably left already!" The monk stated as she rushed after me and grabbed my shoulder. "Please don't need rest and I don't wanna knock you out" she pleaded. I glanced back at her monk and grew angry. She had no control over me and I yanked away from her grasp.

"Who do you think you are! You a low rank monk! Who has no business in telling me what to do! Or threaten me!" I shouted and felt a boost of energy. I stood up proud and glared down at the monk. "Don't you dare! Threaten me ever again! Or it will be your head on a platter served to your husband" I growled and turned on my heel. I walked with purpose to find Lance and get more answers.

I was glad that the monk didn't follow after me. I listened to my footsteps echo through the long hallway. I slowly came to a stop at the end of the hallway which lead to the main room.

The main room was pearl white and many pillars were around the edges of the room to make it look fancy since  it was the only way to enter the house if you were a guest, but the family knows secret ways to enter and exit the house if something bad happens. Everyone in the family knows something bad will happen, but they ain't sure what it is. They can't see the problem that well, but they can feel it. My mother told me that the feeling was horrific and wishes for me to never see into the family home's future.

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