Clouds have started to gather up above in the heavens. The season is getting colder with each passing day. Rain has visited us for the fourth time this week and the chills can be felt to the bone. The air is so cold it passes right through you. All everybody is thinking is that the winter season is close and that snow will soon fall. It is dreaded for and at the same time it is waited for.This season is the harshest of all but the most beautiful at the sametime. It unites families but separates strangers. The one's that have a home, a job, and a stable life don't see the suffering that others without those things have. They don't pay attention to those 'beneath' them so they wouldn't know the harshness of this world. The poor, the one's in need, and all of the lower class knows the truth, but since the upper class has done nothing to change their cruel government, they won't tell a soul.
The wind started calming down and everything seemed to have stopped breathing. An earthquake that shook the whole city shocked many. The upper class was in hysterics trying to formulate answers to this phenomena that had just occurred. Compared to those that were running around screaming the end of the world, the lower class had already known that this would happened because it happened every year. Once the earthquake stopped, snow started falling.
Sally was a very happy child. She loved visiting her uncle Nicolas because his whole house was full of toys. She also loved how every time she visited her aunt Mary would bake cookies. Her cookies were the best in the entire universe. Every year they would give her the honor of shaking her favorite snow globe. As she took it in her hands she looked inside it and tried to remember every little detail of the tiny town. With both her hands she shook the globe several times and then left it in its place. She had always admired how the tiny snowflakes twisted around the globe and then settled on the bottom. She loved how after a little while miniature people stared right back at her every time she shook it..
Short stories
PoetryA variety of small stories inspired by different things. Any feedback is greatly accepted. Please tell me what you think. Enjoy.