Chaos Within and Without

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     The wolf rolled its eyes but transformed anyways, becoming a young woman, looking to be only a little younger than Cassia. Her hair was long and black, rippling down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes, still the same piercing vibrant green they always were. Her blue silk dress, falling down to her ankles, where cyan colored heels can be see, rustled as she moved.
     "Hello cousin. Its been a while, how have you been?"
     Cassia let out a laugh, short and sharp. "Drop the niceties Clancy. Every bucking time I end up here, something happens! Dancing around the issue like you always do won't help jack crap."
     Clancy looked at her in amusement. "You watch too much of that stupid show... what's it called?" She waved a hand, ignoring the issue. "Oh never mind. The name doesn't matter. Stop watching little kid shows with pastel colored pony idiots, its restricting your ability to behave like a normal human. Only kids curse with fake little pony swear words."
     Cassia's face flushed a dark crimson, her eyes filled with fire. This was one girl who did not take kindly to people insulting her fandoms, especially not some arrogant, loud mouth bother. "Care to run that by me again?" She snapped, the tone in her voice showing the strain of keeping calm.
     Clancy laughed at the look on Cassia's face. "Sure sweetie. Let me elaborate to make myself clear. The show you watch with the stupid pastel colored ponies, with all the 'friendship is magic' crap needs to stop. Its sickening how you hold on to your little kid fantasies, they'll never become real. Grow up."
     That was the final straw for the already pissed Cassia. She strode forward and grabbed a fistful of Clancy's dress, then pushed her against one of the smooth walls of the chamber. She put an arm on Clancy's chest, pinning her to the wall. Each word was spoken in such a sharp tone it could have almost cut diamond. "First off, the pastel colored ponies were Gen3. That's not the style anymore. Secondly, no one, and I mean no one insults my fandoms. Third, the show is called My Little Pony, and its the best bucking show on earth to a lot of people. Do you understand me?"
     Clancy laughed again, knowing exactly how to provoke Cassia further, hopefully fulfilling her side of the bargain with her uncle. "Sweetie its just a kids show. I doubt anyone even cares about it anymore."
     "You want to bet?" Cassia let go of Clancy and pulled out her phone angrily. "I'll show you people care." She muttered angrily as she opened up her Amino app. Ignoring the big 9+ sign on her Hamilton Amino, she opened up Equestria Amino, and went to members. She shoved the phone at Clany's face, pointing at the big 80,452 on the screen. "This many people care about it. This many people stand behind me. We make week and weekend challenges, chats to meet new people, blogs to express our views, OCs to be ably to ponify yourself, and roleplays to live the life of your favorite pony or OC! People still care!"
     Clancy smirked and leaned against the wall, folding her hands ladylike in front of her. "And yet the rest of the world doesn't."
     Cassia shut her phone off and put in back in her pocket, trying her best to calm down, but failing spectacularly. "Say that again and you're liable to lose something important."
     Clancy smirked. "I said 'the rest of the world doesn't care'. You're just like your father described you. Arrogant, annoying, and most of all." She grinned before whispering the last word. "Weak."

A moment of dead silence filled the room as Cassia squeezed shut her eyes, trying to block out the hateful words. She was teetering on the edge of completely losing it.

(Neko Dimension, with Yoi)

     Yoi suddenly had an idea. Cassia wasn't here, and coupled with no trace of her, made Yoi think of the dimension jumping. She got up, transforming back into human form as to better tell if a rip hade been created. She closed her eyes and probed the surrounding area, searching for the telltale sign of a closed rift. She found it and tried to remember how to reopen one of these.

-flashback start-

  4 year old Yoi was at the farmhouse, listening to Clancy talk about something called 'dimension jumping'. It was confusing to her, but she tried her best to learn.
     "So the basics of dimension jumping is like this. A person has a special gene that allows them to rip a hole in the fabric of reality itself. They can choose where the rip leads to, thus allowing dimension travel. Following so far?" Clancy asked, looked at Yoi expectantly.
     Yoi looked at her, confusion written all over her face. "So... Someone needs special jeans like yours to travel..?" She asks hesitantly, pointing at Clancy's blue jeans.
     Clancy mentally facepalmed (A/N and I'm sure many of the readers did as well, don't deny it 😂). "Hmm. Not quite Yoi. Maybe you'll do better with a visual aid." She reached out into seeming thin air and swung her hand down in a chopping motion. A black rip appeared, and on the other side a world with ponies walking around a small town is seen from an above angle. "See?"
     Yoi gasped in shock, then quickly got up and tried to poke her head through the rip. "Ooo! Can I go there?" Without waiting for an answer she tried to jump through, but Clancy caught her around the middle and pulled her back gently.
"You can't just jump through rips in the universe like that Yoi." Clancy said as she sealed up the rift and put Yoi down.
Yoi looked up at Clancy, her eyes filled with wonder. "How'd you do that? Tell!" She demanded.
Clancy just laughed. "All in due time little hopper. For now, try reopening the rift I just closed ok?"
Yoi looked confused. "But... I don't know how."
"I'll show you ok? Follow what I do." She stood in front of the closed rift and reached into thin air. "Do you feel that Yoi?"
Yoi copied Clancy and looked at her when she had her hand about the same spot as Clancy. "The.." She tried to come up with a word that would describe the feeling. "Ripple?"
Clancy smiled. "Yup! You've got a natural talent for this. Now put your other hand next to it, like so." She demonstrated by putting her other hand to the left of her right hand.
Yoi copied her concentrating. Seized by a sudden feeling she followed her instinct, closing her eyes and spreading her hands apart, reopening the rift.
Clancy laughed. "Yoi open your eyes, look you did it!"
"I.. I did?" Yoi opened her eyes and gasped in shock. "Clancy I did it!"

-flashback end-

     Yoi took a deep breath and copied the stance from so long ago. She closed her eyes and reached into the rift, pulling it open once more. She opened her eyes and looked into the rift to make sure it was safe.
     On the other side she saw a tunnel. The smooth stone walls were covered in mosaics of cats, every so often a mosaic showed a human transforming into a cat, and back into a human. At one end of the tunnel was pitch black darkness, at the other end a light and raised voices.
     Yoi twitched her neko ears to more finely pinpoint the voices. Looking behind her a final time she stepped through the rip and sealed it behind her. She pricked her ears and started walking toward the voices, recognizing the two voices as Clancy and Cassia. Frowning in confusion, Yoi turned into her kitten form and stealthily made her way down the hall.

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