Chapter 2

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At the end of the day, I seriously considered not going home. What if I just didn't? I shuddered at the thought of what would happen. Okay, I'll go. Maybe today will be alright. Foolish thoughts, I know, but it's what I had to tell myself everyday to get on the bus. So I did, reluctantly, and I almost jumped in fear when the bus' engine roared to life.

I made it through the whole afternoon and even dinner without any incidents. So maybe I was actually right today when I gave myself my pep talk. I was washing the dishes with vigor as a result of my good mood. I almost felt like singing when CRASH! He came up behind me and I dropped the plate I had been washing. He seized a lock of my chestnut coloured hair and took a deep breath, "You smell nice.",no,no. I was wrong. How could I be so stupid as to believe that I'd be safe on a Friday night. I tried to think of a reason to get away from him, "I... um. I have to clean up this mess" I said as I gestured feebly at the shattered plate. Quickly, before he could say anything, I turned and started towards the paper towels. I'd gone no more than two steps when he grabbed my arm, "Don't you ever walk away from me. I'll let you finish up here, but then you're mine." I could only nod, and then he left the room.

Without thinking, I opened the back door and ran. I didn't look back. I didn't know where I was going. I just had to get away. When I finally stopped, I looked around and saw that I was outside a local convenience store. My panic had faded and I tried to think of what to do. I couldn't go back. By now he's realized what I've done, and I know he won't be happy. I had no where to go, and the panic started to rise again. Alright, just calm down. I took a deep breath and slid my hands into my pockets. As I did so, my hand closed around a piece of paper. I pulled it out and saw that it was Rachel's phone number. It was better than nothing, so I borrowed the store's phone and called her.


"Hi, Rachel. It's Danica."

"Hey. So... did you decide to come with us?"

"Yeah, is that alright?"

"Of course. We were going to meet up at my place in 10 minutes. Can you make it?"

"Um, I don't think so. I don't have a ride," My chances of staying out of the house longer were getting slimer.

"Where are you?"

"At the convenience store on Finnigan St."

"That's near Georgia's. Why don't you just come with her? I'll give her a call and you can walk over. You remember where it is?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem. See you soon."


Okay, so I'm going out with a few other girls from school. It feels a little odd, I haven't done this in a while, but it's much better than the alternative. Thank God for Rachel and Georgia. I made my way to Georgia's and when I got there, she ran outside. I didn't even have time to knock. We got in her car and she pulled out of the driveway.

"Sorry for rushing out of there," Georgia said. "My parents just kept going on about how I have to be careful, and how I shouldn't break away from the group or leave my drink unattended. It's not like someone's actually going to try to drug me or something. They just need to relax and let me have fun once in a while, you know?"

"Yeah, sometimes parents can be too overprotective." Or sometimes they can't be protective at all.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Just a little nervous is all. I don't even remember the last time I went out."

"You'll be fine. Just have fun!"

When we got to Rachel's, I was introduced to the other girls from the cafeteria - Amy, Rita, and Natalie. It was then that I realized I was the only one not dressed up. Rachel though, had anticipated this.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes for tonight? I have tons."

"Sure, thanks."

"You know what that means girls; we get to give Danica here a whole new makeover!"

"I don't know about-- " I'd started when a chorus of squeals cut me off.

"Should we curl her hair?"

"I think green eye shadow would be best."

"No, blue!"

"And we could paint her nails!"

I have to confess, it felt pretty good to be fussed over. In the end we decided on a dark blue blouse, skinny jeans, and left my hair naturally straight. A few touches of some matching make up and black strapy heels and we were ready to go. The first place we went to was Amy's brother's party.

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