6- Sparks

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Tobio stared blank faced at his computer screen, his hand placed on the mouse moving the cursor in circles out of sheer boredom. A sigh, or more like a disgruntled groan escaped his lips. He slumped down on his rolling chair and stared at the clock up ahead. 1:54 am. Just three and a half hours left until he can go home into Shoyou's arms.

"Ka. Ge. YAMA!!"

The raven haired male jumped in his seat and turned around to glare at a certain brunette. "Its almost two in the morning Oikawa, the hell do you want this time.." He heard Tooru snicker as he stepped in his office.

"As you and everyone else in the office knows, me and Iwa-chan are together and.."

"Yes Oikawa, we all know. He's practically the only thing you talk about during lunch breaks." Tobio managed to smirk at the now blushing brunette. "Anyways, I happily invite you and chibi-chan to a karaoke night out. Everything is paid for so you don't have to worry about anything."

Tooru left him with that shit eating smile of his. "Why are you so nice all of a sudden? Its not really like you Oikawa.. What's the catch?" Kageyama narrowed his eyes at him. "Hm? There's no catch! Just a friendly hang-out! Calm down Tobio-chan."

The brunette sashayed out of his office, Kageyama's piercing eyes kept on his back until he situated himself in his own cubicle office.


Early in the morning, everything seemed to stop functioning. The cars, lights, shops, and even the people looked as if they weren't there. The town almost looked as if it were abandoned. But, as odd as it seems Kageyama was thankful for this. He didn't have to worry about accidentally running over a child that carelessly crossed the street or a drunk driver. His neighborhood looked peaceful and reserved as usual whilst parking on the sidewalk of his house.

Unlocking the door, he quietly stepped inside the somewhat warm home, a feeling of relief rolled off his shoulders as he took off his shoes and placing them in the shelf next to Hinata's small ones. Kageyama almost instinctively yelled out to greet his beloved, quickly realizing that he was most likely already asleep in their bedroom. 

As he trudged up the stairs, the need for sleep felt endearing. Tobio felt that each step he took he could collapse on the next. In all honesty, he didn't care if he would as long as he is sleeping under his roof in Hinata's presence.

Which seemed like a century, he reached the door to his bedroom and quietly peered open the door, a small creak coming from his direction. Good thing Hinata was a heavy sleeper, he could probably sleep through a whole volleyball match. Kageyama didn't even care or think to change into his home clothes; for he was way beyond passing out right there.

He swiftly motioned towards the bed and joined Shoyou, wrapping an arm around his small waist and pulling him close. Even through the slumberous atmosphere that consumed them, Hinata managed to make the smallest of a smile. His eyes slowly opened and stare back at Kageyama's. "Goo moring." Tobio chuckled at his sluggish words. "Good morning to you too, dumbass."

Hinata pouted childishly. "Kageyamaa!~ That's sooo mean." He buried his head in the other's chest, a blush quickly forming on Tobio's cheeks. "J-Just go back to sleep, we can talk later." Shoyou gently punched his chest. "But its already morning..." Kageyama grunted and flipped over to his other side of the bed, his back facing Hinata. "Go to sleep, I'm tired."

Another pout sat upon Hinata's lips. He smirked to himself as he inched toward Kageyama's back. "You are my sunshine...! My only sunshine!! You make me happy... when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you please don't take my sunshine awa-" His short singing was cut off abruptly by a swift move so fast it all came as a blur. Tobio rolled to face him and pounced on top, his lips pursed together like a thin line.

"Kage..yama." Hinata lied under him, his hands pinned above his head as Tobio looked down onto him. "You know, I should be singing that. After all, you are my sunshine." This time he was the one smirking. "Now, go. To. Sleep." He rolled off him and faced back to his other side, his sneering grin beaming. He felt small arms wrap around him, Hinata's nose softly poking through his back. "Boke."


"Wanna come with me to Oikawa and Iwaizumi's karaoke party tonight?" Kageyama says as he flips a heart shaped pancake on the pan. He wore a plaid mitten and a blue apron with an embroidered milk carton on the front. Taking out two plates, he placed the pancake on one and poured syrup, the honey colored product oozing out the container. "Sure!" Hinata quickly thanked for the food and dug in the soft meal, a great combo of sweet and tender devouring his tastebuds. 

Kageyama walked over and sat across from him on the table. "You know, I feel really bad for leaving you alone and I know that this will come to be a normal thing but I want to make it up to you starting today." Hinata nodded toward him and continued munching on his pancake. "Take me to build-a-bear workshop!" Tobio had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Today was going to be a good longing day with his husband, no fights, no arguments, just them and the happiness of being together.

"Alright, get ready then."


On the front seat of the bike, Kageyama paddled as fast and hard as his legs could go. Small tears of fear built up in Hinata's eyes, his conscience yelling for his husband to slow down. His small arms wrapped tightly onto Tobio's torso, his head buried onto his back. They swiftly passed by shops, people, and other vehicles on the sidewalk. Many would scream and run off when they saw the sight of the pair, bringing a menacing smile on Kageyama's face.

Hinata's beating heart felt relief when the bike came to a stop. "You're scary." Kageyama heard him say, a low chuckle escaping his lips. The two-story shop that stood in front of them was brimming of colorful shelves of teddy bears with many assorted outfits. Children held onto their parent's hands as they looked for a teddy bear together along with couples strolling along the displays with ice cream cones in their hands.

"Kageyama, look!" Shoyou dragged him over to a row of little crow stuff toys. "Lets make one for each other!" As much as he hates it, Tobio can't help but give in to his husband's beaming smile. "Fine.." 

15 minutes later...

"You make me look too fat!" Kageyama grunted, his face becoming hot. Hinata giggled as he held up a large crow stuffed toy that resembled Kageyama, black hair with a his signature fringe at the middle, furrowed eyebrows, and a body proportion that looked too big for its size.

On the other hand, Tobio held a smaller sized crow stuffed toy, tangled orange hair puffed up from its head with a happy-go-lucky expression stitched across his face. The two walked up to the counter to pay for their items. A female cashier stood at the counter smiling at them. She scanned the stuffed toys and placed them gently in plastic bag as she typed the price onto the computer. "That'll be $20.55, please."  Hinata rummaged for money in his wallet, as if he were in a hurry. "I got this." Kageyama took out his credit card to slide. 

"Kageyama..! I'll pay!"

"No, I'll do it."


"Just let me do it, you dumbass!"

The cashier giggled softly at their little argument that brought eyes and attention over to them. "Thank you! Hope you two have a wonderful day!" She happily handed over the bag with Hinata quickly grabbing it from her and politely bidding his thanks. 

He grabbed Kageyama's hand and pulled them outside to their bike. "Can you like, stay still for a minute?" Jumping onto the bike, Hinata beamed at his husband. "Come on, Bakageyama! We're going to be late for the karaoke party!!" Tobio rolled his eyes towards the redhead. "I know, dumbass.."



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