in between

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i look at austin who's the first to break the awkward silence between us,

"well i think your boyfriend likes me" i know he is just trying to be funny to lighten the mood but i cant make myself laugh i just stay serious and reply,

"hes not my boyfriend and he definately likes you" "how can you say he's not your boyfriend trish did you see him he was about two seconds from ripping my head off"

"if he was my boyfriend I wouldnt have brought you here Austin im not like that im loyal. he's actually my ex we broke up years ago, i guess he still isnt used to seeing me with someone else".

"thats probably why your dad sent him he knew he would go into a jealous rage and scare off any guy that got close to you" "ah so did it work? did he scare you off?"

"no, im not afraid of him, even though he's like you" i look into his eyes and say, " its only because you haven't seen him as alpha x"

"alpha x?"

"its his dragon's name, each guardian has to get their dragon named" "oh, so what did you mean by you dont fall in love?"

" as a demidragon we have many enemies and love can be used to weaken us so naturally we tend to avoid it, unless of course your brave enough to deal with the consequences"

"ok, why did he say that besides the king your the most valuable ?" "Because of my gifts"


"Im sorry Austin ive Said too much already" "ok I understand, so will I see u later?" "Im not sure"

"that costume party is at my place my roommates jackie and alice are the ones throwing it so if u want to find me thats were I'll be" I smile ar him "hmm so u live with two girls, huh?" "Yea I met them my first year in college, n no I hvnt dated or been with either of them im not into them like that"

"like what?" "Like I'm into u" he says as he closes the gap between us and leans down to kiss me

"he can leave now!"rayce shouts from another room I cnt help but laugh, fucking rayce sure knows how to kill The mood.

"Well that was weird," Austin shakes his head and is surprisingly smiling "u think its funny?" "Yea only cuz I can understand him, idk what id do if It was the other way around, anyways I hope I see u later" "yea we'll see "

he opens the door and pauses in the doorway,"he's not gunna eat me or anything like that, right?" I shrug,"he might" "I hope ur joking, n I will txt u later"

"ok bye Austin"

"bye beautiful" about.two seconds later there is a light knock on my door,

"can I come in?" Rayce asks.softly ,"of.course u can rayce" im sitting down on my bed now waiting for him to enter,

"I hope ur not mad at me"he says "im not, u were the onlii guy I hv ever been with I figured u would b pissed to c me with someone else, I just wasn't expecting that to b today"

he sits beside me on my bed and exhales , "trisha it could've been anyone else y a mortal?"

"Anyone really? Like Sage, luck or Onyx guys you've known since childhood, that would've been ok to u?"

He takes in my words and looks defeated, "no it wouldn't hv been, I wouldn't hv been able to see u happy with them or anyone else from our realm everyday"

"I know thats y I left so we wouldn't have to keep torturing ourselves" he look into my eyes and it seemed as though his had a hint of hope, " so then u still have the same feelings for me ?"

I shake my head and look down,"no rayce, I dont, that day u chose my father over me destroyed me and whatever feelings I had for u, I mean there will always b a place for u in my Heart but nothing serious, not now anyway"

"im sorry about that Trisha, everyday I have to live.with that regret" his eyes.looked watery,.the last thing I wanted was for him to cry. " but I understand why you did it, so what was the other reason u were sent"

"ur dad received a threat.from the w.o.t.d." "a threat? What kind of.threat"

"it was a letter saying that they know u r in the mortal realm and they will use u to help them find an object that will help them destroy dragon city."

"What object?" "Idk it didnt say, the second hand prophetess said it would be close to u but she couldn't specify, she didnt know if it was good or evil or a person or thing, so ur dad figured perhaps u had seen or sensed something."

"well . Come to think of it yea, I can feel it now, actually the only time I don't feel it is when Austin is around" "u see he's distracting you, "

I gv him a serious look "what im just saying, is there anything else?""yea, callie is right I can't seem to pinpoint its energy, its like a balance, u know how they gv both good and evil its the same thing here only its not a balance its something stronger, its pure ancient magic, I cant put a face to it, I can tell u its alive."

"So its not an object its a person""more or less" "do u think if u were to get close to it ud know" "yea im pretty sure" "well we need to find it before the w.o.t.d.""ok, I think we should start at that party"

"really? And this has nothing to do with the fact that Justin is gunna b there?" I smile and shake my head

," its Austin and nope none whatsoever Im just getting a strong feeling whatever it is will b there." "U kno the w.o.t.d. will prolly b there qlso since its a costume party they will blend in"

"yea I kno" " if u decide to spend time with that guy u cant let them kniw ur into him" I look away from him, it was the truth I had to b careful, "so I think we need costumes",

"I could just go as a sexy god and u could b my sexy goddess" he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked, his sexy smirk made him look irresistible, he could definitely pass for a god he had the looks and the body for it.

There were only two things wrong with that suggestion, one, after having Austin witness everything today I didnt want him to believe rayce and I still had a thing

two, I didnt want to lead rayce on and gv him false hope, but then again maybe I was reading to much into it.

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