Chapter 1

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         Delia Jane Montgomery that's me. Lovely little sweet me. I've always knew what I wanted to be ever since I was little and that's what I am. I'm 19 I am a Victoria secret model and I work at a Dance company in LA . Its been 2 years since I've seen him, the father of my daughter       Justin Drew Bieber.

  Yea I said it he is the father of my children. He doesn't know about them but I wouldn't expect him to care he never has cared about anything before.

     So to I woke up at 10:30 seeing that it is my day off and went to Ariana's room to get her dressed band feed.

"baby wake" I said in soothing motherly tone. Ariana is only 1so there's no talking going on for her right now well at least not much. So when she opened her eyes I picked her up and took her to the kitchen. Sitting her in hr high chair I walked over to the pantry and grabbed out some stuff to make her a bottle and then some  strawberries  and put them out for me to eat while she drank her bottle.

  Five minutes went by and she was finished so I got us both dressed. Her in a pink tutu and a pair of pink supras with a pink top and me in a mint and purple tutu mint crop top and a pair of mint  nike high tops. I then put her light brown hair into a pony tail and curled it then I put mine in  low pig tails any curled mine as well. As we walked back Dow stairs I grabbed my purse since we were going to the movies. Which most would think is a bad idea but Ariana doesn't cry much. As I was putting her in her seat my phone rang.

" hey love I know its your day off but um can you come in like right now. We have a very important client and they need your help like now." my boss Missy said

" I have the baby and there's no one to watch her."

" that's fine I will."

" OK" I said hanging up and pulling out of the drive way.

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