chapter 2

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   When I finally got there it was already noon so I grabbed Ariana and her bag.

  "hey thank you so much for coming in on your day off."

" no problem I wasn't the one who wanted to see the movie anyway" I said nodding to  a slightly pissed off Ariana.

" what's up with the tutus " Missy asked

" I was bored when I got dressed. I have a pair of spanks on under " I said lifting it up.

   As we walked into the room I  kicked off my shoes and put on my dancing shoes which for me were a pair of ballet flats.

" they'll be here in 20" Missy said as I gave her Ariana.

    I then turned on the stereo and burn by Ellie Goulding was on so I started to warm up. My warm up turned into me dancing around the studio.

I then heard multiple clapping and I looked up to see Pattie and Scooter standing next to Missy.

" Pattie nice to meet you.."

" oh Delia Montgomery" I said shacking her hand

" wait didn't you go to school with Justin?" she asked

" um yea" I said rubbing my neck and looking at Ariana smiling she out stretched her hands wanting me to hold her.

" is she yours" Scooter asked

" yea"

" how old?" Pattie asked

" 1but she acts older. Goes to the bathroom by herself and walks. She just doesn't talk she tries but not full words she calls me moom ." I said smiling

" hey you know who she looks like and I can't hold it in anymore..Justin" one of the dancers said

" now that you mention it she does" Pattie said taking her from me.

" um can we get started?" I said nervous as hell.

" we have to wait for Justin but why so nervous all of a sudden." Scooter said

" yea your never nervous you just don't do that." Missy said

" she never gets nervous what do you mean?" Pattie asked

" she's also a Victoria secret model. She's used to being looked at." a male dancer said

" how did you know that Alex?" Pattie asked

" you have an amazing .."

" please don't finish that statement" I said taking off my tutu showing my spanks

" and there it is ." he said

"there what is "an all to familiar voice asked

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