chapter 3

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" what are we talking about " he said

" Justin this is Delia and her daughter Ariana. You actually used to go to school with Delia." Pattie said playing with Ariana.

                                  Justin's POV

    When I walked in I saw everyone standing around talking. Then my mom introduced me to my choreographer and her daughter she had the cutest light brown hair. Almost like mine. Next thing I know Scooter is pulling me aside.

" Do you remember her?" he asked

" um yea I can't forget her I slept with her" I kinda said proudly maybe I shouldn't have said it that way.

" do you know what that means? Ariana could be yours do you understand what I mean?"

" hey guys were gonna get started. OK  I first wanna see what you can do I'll go first." Delia said putting on I need your heart and dancing. She was amazing after her Alex went the Macy , Luke, and my self.

                                   Time skip 4:30

" alright guys that was great if you need any help just come back and ask for me. I'm never really busy" Delia said slipping on her tutu and high tops.

" hey Del can I talk to you" I said grabbing Ariana from my mom who never put her down.

" what's up?" she asked

" um I know its wrong for me to say this but who is Ariana's dad?"

" non of your businesses" she said taking her from me and putting her in the car.

" its me isn't it" I asked

"why do you care I don't need anything from you Justin. Just go back to your girlfriend and perfect life."

   What she said hurt cause little did she know but for her I'd do anything. And the fact that we have a kid made me feel even stronger about it.

" Delia sweetheart I'd like it if you and Ariana came to the house tomorrow." my non said

" oh Pattie I'm sorry but I can't I have a shoot tomorrow, but if you want you can come and get her."

" or she could spend the night " I added as Delia looked at Ariana nodding her head.

" we'll follow you to your house and get her ." I said

" OK"

        On the way there it surprised me about how good Delia was doing I mean her car was a BMW m1 and her house looked large for the two of them. When she pulled into the garage there were two other cars an skyline RX and an Audi a1 t1 271 nice cars. The Audi looked more for a street race or show than the other two.

   She came out of the  garage with Ariana behind her and a car seat in her hand I then rushed over and put it in my mom's car.

" thanks" she said welcoming us into her well furnished home. My mom stayed down stairs with Ariana while I went up stairs with Delia.

                                   Delia's POV

    As  Justin followed me to Ariana's room I could feel the awkwardness  between us.

" you have a lovely home"

" thank you " I said kindly

" you know you can stay with us tonight so you don't have to stay alone."

" that would be nice but my shoot is closer to here than it is there" I protested

" then I'll stay here I don't wanna leave you here by yourself. Not in this big house."

" Justin I'll be fine you don't have to stay." I said putting Ariana's clothes in her juice bag.

" I want to. I miss you I never really got over you after high school."

" you have a girlfriend that loves you" I reminded him

" that can be changed let me prove it to you Delia I want Ariana to have both parents. What's her full name?" he asked

" Ariana Darcey Bieber"

" she got my last name. Thank you you may not believe me but it means a lot that she has my last name it really does."

        With that he took out his phone and made a call.

" hey Sel yea um we can't go out anymore. I don't need you when I have a family that I need and want I'm sorry." he said hanging up

" you didn't have to do that "

" I wanted to "

Seconds later I found his lips crashed up against mine. And I couldn't help but want more of him as we kept going I loved every moment of it that is until I couldn't breathe any more.

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