chapter 4

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    When I finally started to breathe normally I looked up at him and pulled him closer to me smashing his lips to mine. He then picks me up and I rap my legs around his waist, I am now up against the wall. Seconds later we hear foot steps and he puts me back down, then there's a knock on the door.

" hey guys you in there ?" Pattie asked

" yea come in "I say picking up the bag and opening the door.

" are you coming with us?" she asked

" um no I have work in the morning. It do you know what we could me at my shoot its on the beach I know this amazing restaurant not to far."

" that would be lovely. Is that Ariana's bag?" she asked

" yea here" I said handing it to her and following her out to the car with Justin right behind me.

" Give mommy and daddy a kiss before we go ." she told Ariana.

" I love you angel" I said kissing the top of her head

" moom daad" she said smiling looking behind me at Justin. I moved out of the way and let her say good by to him.

     As they pulled away Justin came up to me and put his arms around me.

" wanna go grab something to eat?" he asked

" yea eat here or there I kinda feel like eating here"

" what do you want I feel like some Chinese what about you?" he asked

" that's fine let me grab my bag."

" don't worry about it I got it. Your  driving though." he said

" it probably be best for all if us if I drive." I said laughing. and grabbing the keys to my Audi .

" what's that supposed to mean?"

" your driving can be kinda scary. Is all that stuff there saying true?"

( in the story even if it doesn't happen the way I want it this is how it is in the story)

" sadly yes now that I have you and Ariana I don't wanna leave."

" then stop doing stupid shit" I said  he had a worried look on his face.

" I'm sorry for upsetting. I'm just worried for you and us. You've got to act slightly better now that you know you have a daughter." I said grabbing his hand and pulling out of the garage.

" I know and I'm gonna try I promise for us I might even stop smoking."

" I didn't ask you to do all of that just not in front of her." I said looking back at the road and speeding up as the light turned green.

" and I drive bad" he said smiling

" there aren't any teen age girls following me. I don't get stalked."

" I would stalk you" he said in a whisper

" oh I know you would with your creeper ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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