Chapter 03: A Dream?

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One morning, among the beautiful flowers on a flowerbed near the town of Floraska, there stands out a beautiful young lady soundly lying asleep. She’s not actually standing out but rather in harmony with the scene’s innate beauty. Her scattered silvery white hair seems to have been emphasized by the light purple lavender petals it was on and her soft snow-white skin almost glitters with the morning sun’s ray. With her white one-piece nightgown, the scene looked like a paradise guarded by playful—or rather sleepy—fairy.

* * *

"Ugn..." That sweet scent... Lavenders.

"Good Morning, Mistre--" A brief moment of void comes. No thoughts, no words, all blank. Shock fills my brain from whatever reality my eyes have witnessed.

The royal servants lifting the curtains become butterflies waving a good morning, the soft cottony bed becomes a bed of flowers spelling comfort, the castle walls become a horizon of boundless freedom. All the reality I grew to believe perishes as I open my eyes. Was it all a dream? Or is this reality the dream? I release my confusion with a loud scream.


* * *

I heard a faint rumbling sound from not afar. "Ow... Now I'm hungry. Thank God there's a town near that flowerbed."

I do not know if I must be thankful because I am now away from those responsibilities a princess have or must I be dismayed because those delicious foods and stuffs are now not in my reach. All I know is that my stomach's in a rebellion.

It’s been a five mins walk since I woke up in that flowerbed. All I saw was tall trees (their fruit looked delicious but they are too high to reach) and some brown mushrooms growing on the tree roots.

Bunnies went passing by as if saying to me “Catch me! I’m delicious!”… As if I have cooking utensils around. I almost thought of eating them raw due to my hunger but luckily, I resisted the urge.

After a tiring walk—tiring not because of walking but because of seeing the same trees over and over again— the arc of trees framed the sight of a town. The thought of seeing things other than trees and mushrooms delights me to the point of ignoring how the town looks like.

Entering the town, I survey the surroundings. There were houses made of bricks, and wooden carts that sells goods… linens and accessories sold are adorned with flower designs, perfumes are derived from scents of different flowers. These things might make any firm and modest ladies swoon in delight but as of the moment, not me. As long as they are not food, they are no concern of my revolting stomach.

There are even shops that sells something like “Mistress Muscle” that is said to clean any stains on any surface and “Miss Terkleen” that was said to make your fabrics as clean as new. I don’t know if they are effective.

There are baking ingredients like flour, sugar and salt but I can’t eat them raw.

Scanning for food among the shops for a little longer sure is rewarding. At last, a pile of deep red fruits sitting on a wooden cart.

Wow! Apples! My stomach seems to leap in excitement. My mind and stomach now act as one. They drag me to the fruit stand where the red enchantress glitters.

W-w-wait! I'm a princess! I must act like one! Being excited over just a lame fruit is not princess-like at all. I stand straight and lift my chin as I walk gracefully towards the alluring fruit.

"Good morning, young lad! My apples are good to sweeten up the start of your day." A big old lady appears. She seems to be the stall owner.

"Good day, madame. Your apples, as red as your lips, their aroma, as sweet as your scent." Maybe flattery will bring me food this time. hehe. Though I can barely make it, I keep hiding my laughter. It's funny how her plumpy cheeks turns red. She looks like a smiling tomato.

"Hihi... I like you. Go ahead, Young lad." Huh?! That's it? It worked? I hesitantly stretch my hand to reach one. The moment my fingers touch Snow White's curse, everything vanishes from my sight. There's only the apple, me, and pure white of nothingness. There is no serpent, yet I am Eve that hears whispers saying, "Bite me... I know you want me..."

I slowly take a bite. I close my eyes with the delightful sweetness.  Nothingness my eyes see, yet an angelic melody my ears hear.

A faint voice I savor mixing with that chorus of angels. "One hundred gols each", it says.

Huh?! Was that supposed to be there?

A loud clearing of the throat interrupts my delusions. As I open my eyes, I came back to reality.

"One hundred gol for that." The old lady shows me her empty palm, waiting for me to put something on it.

"Ahm... my sincerest apology but...”

I hesitate to ask the question lingering in my mind for a moment but soon decide to do so shyly.

“What is a gol?"

My innocence seems to tap the limit of her temper. 

A gol? Is it delicious?

Her nostrils grow bigger and her head turns redder. "What?!! You don't have a single money with you?!!"

Money? Gol? I don’t know what those things are! Honestly!

I don't know what to say! I am shaking in here! Help me, God! Please!!!

Indeed, He answered my prayer. He gave me a knight—or rather, a murderer in shining armor.

"Murderer!!! Chase him!" A voice not from afar shouts. The stony ground trembles as men chase a young man towards the village gate. The young man holds a blue fedora hat on his head with his left hand and as he runs, his blue cape flutters, revealing his black shirt.

A battalion of men holding pitchforks, hoes and sickles chase him with enraged faces. 

To do what is just and right. That is what my father thought me of, whether he is just part of a dream or not. Whatever the cost, may it be my life, being his daughter, I must carry his will… so I make a decision.

He's a killer! I must stop him!

I step forward, towards the middle of the way but I already see someone in there. It is the big old lady.

I stand still and watch as the killer comes closer to the big old lady. The young man seems to be desperate. He draws a black rapier with his right hand... Gulp...

I try to remain still until...SLASH! My heart leaps as I see the blade passing through the big old lady's neck.

My eyes widen in shock as the big old lady's unconscious body falls with a thud behind that cold hearted murderer.

My heart is moved by her valor. Yet it is her life the price she paid, it is the right thing she did.

I won't call you big old lady anymore. I do not know that you are a big old noble lady within your heart. Your efforts will not be in vain.

I wipe my tears then slowly walk to the middle of the murderer's way. Fear shackles me yet the big old noble lady's bravery lives inside me. My knees are shaking yet I have to do it.

This is all a dream!  I'll never die inside a dream, will I?

With those comforting thoughts, I shout...



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