The New Kid in Town

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   I froze as another eevee came through the doors, all the girls in the back gasped. Screams came from all the popular girls like, "he's so cute!" "OMG!" and "Another eevee!" I swung my head around the seat to really see him. I froze, eyes wide, my face felt like I was burning up. "Your face is bright red!" Fennekin whispered in my ear. I ducked my head, calming myself as the eevee walked down the rows of seats. I felt his eyes go on me, I turned to him, my eyes meeting his. "Hey Crystal! It's me Jake!" He squeaked in a happy tone. "Hey," I replied, feeling my confidence go up, "why'd you move here?" I wondered, turning my head. Jake sat down on an empty seat across the aisle of mine, as the bus began moving. I felt the eyes of the popular girls staring forward at Jake. "How do you know him?" It was Fennekin talking in my ear. "Long story, tell you in class." I replied.

  "My dad thought that I should go back to where I grew up, so we moved back into this area." I turned around at Jake replying. "You've really grown up, haven't seen you since first grade," I felt myself somewhat blush, his eyes still looking back at me, "nice to have another old friend back!" I smiled, he laughed and turned away. I then realized that bunnelby turned and looked at me, ears up and listening. He met my gaze, blushed, then looked away. "Do you like Jake?!" Fennekin caught back my attention. I thought and turned back to him, Jake was a nice guy. He seemed more mature now, but he still made me melt from his kindness. "I thought he was cute ever since he left at the end of first grade, he was just barely bigger than me then." I turned and Fennekin was smiling. "You have three boys to choose from now." She giggled then looked out the window. 

  Who am I going to chose now?  I thought in my mind, frowning in disappointment. I liked Jake, but Bunnelby was always nice. Pikachu was always on my hate list, yet he could change. I turned to fennekin who was smiling, I saw her eyes scanning the neighborhood for another cute boy. "What are you doing?" I asked, nudging her leg. "Just wanting a boy who I would like..." She trailed off and turned to me, "you think Litleo would like me?" She blushed, and turned forward to him. Litleo wasn't really Fenekins type, but you know, she and him could work out in some way. Litleo was a type of bad boy, always being risky and doing things he probably shouldn't. While Fenniken was a generous, kind-hearted girl, she deserved someone more like her.

  "You'll never know if you don't go talk to him." I mumbled in her ear. Fenniken flinched, tensing every muscle in her arm. "I can't do that yet, I'm friends with the guy, that would seem awkward if I tell him how I feel..." Fennekin trailed of in a mumble. I lifted her head to mine, her eyes were filled with fear. I stared deep into her eyes, "Your beautiful, even if he puts you down, I would never tell you anything else." I pulled away from her glance, she calmed. "I guess I can try before class, when we get to school." She took a deep breath, and nodded. "You'll be fine." I turned to Jake, he was looking out the window with those calming eyes. "Let's change it up..." Fenekin turned me back around, stared me dead in the eyes. "I'll ask Litleo out for dinner tomorrow... If you ask Jake," Fennekin grinned, I knew I wasn't getting out of this. "I don't..." I trailed off, I was to nervous to say it.

  "You like him, and I know it, the way you blushed when he came," Fenekin giggled, and mumbled in my ear, "like I said, I'll do it, if you do it too, that way we can probably double date, so it won't be weird." She grinned, "Your blushing." Fenekin laughed and hopped off the seat, leaving the bus. I turned to see I was all alone with Jake, who smiled and started walking out. "Wait, Jake," I yelped, he turned and came back to me, "can we talk after school today, near the cafeteria?" I questioned, feeling fine about asking him to dinner. "Sure, it would be next to catch up with you." He turned and left the bus. I followed him, feeling glad that he excepted my request to talk. Now all I needed was enough confidence to ask him, and if he asks why, I should have a good. I had a feeling as I walked into school, this was going to be a good day with a happy ending, I hope.

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