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Someone sniffed, the clock ticked, a baby cried, the pastor was too loud and his hands clenched tightly on his thigh. It was supposed to be fucking quiet but no someone just had to make their pretentious crying known, the clocks was too loud, who the hell brought a baby to a funeral and the pastor was meant to be quiet, it is a fucking silent prayer. He was totally miffed.

Once the pastor finally stopped praying and the choir took over, everyone started murmuring.
"I heard that that boy is her son? "a lady said, jerking her head to the right and the others shook their heads in disgust obviously finding the man to be everything they warned their daughters about. They continued stating their dislikes in a hushed voice, like the gossips they were when the said man suddenly stood up.

"Leave" he said glaring blatantly at the women who were avoiding his eyes looking up front as though he was not referring to them. " I said, leave, you pretentious witches." A few gasps of surprise echoed in the air and the pastor parted his lips to say something but he was silenced by the glare that was sent his way.

The women, seeing that no one was standing up for them, stood up shamefully while bowing their head down before briskly walking out.

The air became cold and everyone sucked in a harsh breath as the man looked at them with cold,menacing, narrowed eyes. His lips were set in a thin line as he gazed at them:He HATED them.To them they were attending the burial of their friend, gossip partner and whatever they were to her but to him, they were invading his personal space.

He walked down the aisle in slow calculating steps, his face stoic .
He walked to his car and was about to open it when he was stopped.He looked up and immediately he saw the person that stopped him,his eyes was filled with a burning flame of anger, he looked at the man with so much hatred, his fingers clenched.

"Hello, son"the man said with a sickening smile on his face. He huffed out an amused scoff and his lips curled into a dangerous smirk.

"So, it takes one of us to die for you to come visit?"he asked, his eyebrows raised.

The man coughed and suddenly straightened up.The younger's eyes swept across the parking lot and he noticed that the man was accompanied by his bodyguards. As always.

"Well, I must surely pay my respect to my late w-"he started saying but was cut off

"Your what? were you going to say wife?"he asked with mockery.

"Well, she was my wife"he answered.

He let out a harsh laughter that was filled with mockery that stopped seconds after it began.

"You stopped being a husband and a father the very day you slept with that whore" he replied, his lips in a snarl.

"Enough of the chit-chat and tell me what you are really here for" he continued, he fucking needed to leave the building, it was annoying him.

"I want you to come back to Paris and be the heir that you are "his father said with a serious look on his face, his poise business-like.

"What? Your slut didn't give birth to a son,years ago? " he questioned with mockery.

"I wonder how she looks like now, oh wait I don't fucking care, a demon is always a demon."

A look of embarrassment crossed his father's face and he smirked in satisfaction.

He opened the car but he was stopped once again, not even giving it a second thought, he turned and punched him in the jaw, Hard. His expression remained unchanged as he stared at the man laying on the floor looking stunned before raising his right hand up in an okay signal to his guards. He stood up after a while and shook his head to clear the black spots.

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