Specifications, U.S.S. Titan

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Specifications, United States Ship Titan

File: 183745893

Vessel: U.S.S. Titan, DNC/BBC 153

Commanding Officer(s):

Rear Admiral Caleb Seanutavian Greene

Captain Samuel James Miller

Executive Officer(s):

Colonel James George Waverly

Commander Francis J. Basilio

Vessel Specifications:

3,800 feet in length

1,150 feet in width

414 feet in height

The missile tubes for the 26 tactical nukes run into 13 rows of two along the dorsal of the vessel aimed in a forward direction. They are protected by 8 foot thick armored, lead lined doors used to conceal and protect the radiological devices against conventional missiles and bombs. The use of radiological weapons can normally only be authorized by fleet command via transmission of the proper codes through a secured channel. In extreme situations the flag officer of the battle group can authorize a nuclear strike only as a last ditch attempt at survival.

The Boeing 301 Grizzly Fighter Aircraft is launched from the port and starboard sides of the of the hangar bay using magnetic launch tubes of the same basic design as the Magnetic Accelerator Cannons that operate the ship’s forward defensive battery located underneath the bridge, thirty yards from the CIC and Secondary Fire Control.

The landing bay is located under the ventral side and the Grizzly Pilots must land upside down using their magnetized skids to clamp to the landing pad. The landing pad then rotates the Grizzly into an upright position within the port and starboard hangar airlocks. After the airlock repressurizes, the will doors unseal allowing the hangar crew to pull the Grizzlys to their respective berths for repair, rearmament, and refueling along with a general check over. A fully staffed deck crew can rearm, refuel, and provide for most quick fixes in less than 10 minutes, allowing for that Fighter to be back in the air in 15 minutes or less in most cases.

Executioner Shuttlecraft and Grizzly Aircraft run a constant CAP or Combat Air Patrol around the Titan at all times. Executioners are not launched using the launch tube but are launched and recovered in the same way that Grizzlys are recovered, through the port and starboard hangar airlocks.

Boeing 301 Grizzly Fighter Aircraft

Length: 28 ft

Height: 9 ft

Wingspan: 15 ft

Propulsion: Three ATF powered engines positioned in a straight line across the stern of the vessel and part of the wings, as well as an exceptionally well tuned Reactive Control System. The Grizzly greatly resembles the McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18 Hornet except that its guns are located under and on top of each wing. Each gun is a Browning 80 caliber machine gun designed to punch through enemy fighters with maximum influence on the fighter and the pilot, assuming they survive the initial shock and following shrapnel. The Grizzly can also assume the role of bomber in atmospheric flight although that is usually delegated to the Executioners when in space. Along with their many weapons and mission capabilities the Grizzly also feature a radiation-hardened cockpit along with have armor and electronic counter measures.

Boeing 314 Executioner Shuttle Craft

Length: 30 ft

Height 9.5 ft

Wingspan: 22 ft

Propulsion: 10 ATF powered engines positioned in a straight line across the wings of the vessel. These engines are the same type and size of the engines aboard each Grizzly but as the Executioner was built with more of a reconnaissance and bombing role it required a quicker getaway than was required for Grizzlys. Aside from her larger bulk, in the cockpit at it contains virtually the same instruments as a first rate Grizzly. Her guns are located both on her wings and alongside the cockpit allowing more room underneath for the placement of payloads, internally and externally.

Titan's forward defensive battery loads from near the stern of the vessel, running just below the centerline beam. This, along with the rifling in two of the three barrels allows for the ammunition to reach a greater velocity before leaving the muzzle. The center of the three barrels is smoothbore allowing for a massive equivilant of a shot gun shell to be used. these are the only Magnetic Accelerator Cannons aboard ship all other cannons are powerd by gunpowder. The only downside to this kind of mechanism is that the vessel must turn directly into the target. With the front of the ship exposed to heavy fire.

Vessel Armament:

3 Magnetic Accelerator Cannons

26 Tactical Nuclear Warheads

400 ship-to-ship missile pods (900 missiles each pod)

100 70 millimeter Defense Machine Gun Pods

Each round of MAC guns are 18 feet long and 12 feet high

Last-ditch weapons include an EMP and a fusion core power plant detonator

EMP can be fired by remote while the fusion core power plant detonator must be fired directly from the engine room of the ship. This is now standard on all new E.A.F. vessels

Vessel Aircraft Complement:

Two air wings under CAG each wing is 180 pilots

10 Squadrons of Boeing 13 Grizzly Fighter Aircraft

5 Squadrons of Boeing Executioner Shuttle Craft

Personnel Complement:

2,800 Ship Personnel

360 Air Wing Personnel

300 Air Wing Support Personnel

1000 Marine Personnel

Total Personnel Complement Aboard Ship: 4460

The U.S.S. Titan Hull Symbol depicts Zeus drawing his sword his right hand while his left hand is poised to throw his thunderbolt. He is stepping forward, Cape billowing behind him to his right. Above his head is “U.S.S. TITAN” inscribed in a golden, arched, scroll with thirteen stars surrounding his head. Under his feet is “DNC-BBC 153” depicted in the same manner. Just above the lower banner is "ad astra per aspera" (Through hardships to the stars). 

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