This is just a fiction about me and my best internet friend meeting our crushes irl and a story. Please no hate. This story is for my friend Angie. Love you sm Angie 💕😫
I sat up on finns bed and grabbed his phone. I started looking through his fans snaps and they were so cute. They left him cute stuff. I took a picture of myself with the flower crown filter and wrote "You guys are so kind to Finn just know he loves you". I put his phone down and grabbed mine. My phone exploded with messages from Noah [message] Noah😎:Ary!! Ary:what Noah😎:I want to buy Angie something for Valentine's Day. Ary:ok so go buy her something Noah😎:What should I buy her? Ary: idk Noah😎:OOO I KNOw! bYe aRy! Ary:✌️ [real life] 5 hours later
Noah came home with a small box and hid it in his pocket when Angie came out of her room. "Hey Noah!" She yelled. I smiled at Noah. I knew the box wasn't a wedding ring as much as I hoped I did but it was something that Angie loved. "I want to give you an early valentines gift" Noah said to her. "OOO WHAT" Angie yelled. Noah handed her the little box. She opened it and their were two 21 pilots concert tickets. I was so happy for her! I was going to see panic at the disco live on valentines so we had spilt dates. "Oh...people are already buying valentine gifts....Finn mumbled. I had already bought him something. I bought him a new beanie that had a wolf on it.
~Finns pov~
I haven't bought ary anything. "I need to go" I mumbled. I got up off from the couch letting go of arys hand. When I did that I looked into her eyes and she looked hurt. "I'll be back" I smiled while giggling at her. She simply smiled back. "Where you going?" Noah whispered. "To go get Ary something!"I whispered back. "OOOOO" Noah yelled. "Shut up!" Angie and ary yelled as they were watching some new stranger things episodes. When I came on screen with Noah they flipped out. "Umm why do you need the screen we are right here" Noah and I smirked. Ary and Angie looked at us and just rolled their eyes. "Well where's the squealing?" I said to annoy them. "Wolfhard if you don't shut up I'm going to go up to you and make you shut up" ary scolded at me. All I could do is laugh and leave. Noah and I both bought a necklace that said "I love you to he moon and back" for Angie on the bottom it said "love Noah" and the bottom of ary necklace it said "love Finn". But for Ary's real present I bought her a necklace to put pictures in. She wanted one badly. When I got home I gave it to her. Her eyes watered. " beautiful" she whispered. She hugged me and I hugged her back. Then Noah and I gave them the moon necklaces and they began to cry. Noah hugged Angie to comfort her. I also hugged ary. "I love you" those were the simple heart warming words that came out of Ary's mouth.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hola 😂 is still going to post but a lil but later💕
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