This is just a fiction about me and my best internet friend meeting our crushes irl and a story. Please no hate. This story is for my friend Angie. Love you sm Angie 💕😫
When Finn told me about the store that's exactly where I went after getting my 50th stitch. I asked to see the owner. A pale guy with Red hair and Brown eyes came from a room. He looked at me and Angie. "Is there a problem here?" He looked at me. I saw him wink at Angie. Angie was disgusted."oh do I have a problem? You drugged my boyfriend!" I yelled. "Not my problem" he scolded at me. He looked about 56. "Um yes it is!" I yelled back. He quickly grabbed Angie and ran to his car. What the hell! He just took my best friend and put her in his trunk. I ran outside dropping my phone letting it crack into 50 billion pieces. I sprinted and tried getting her out. I almost got ran over. He drove off. I started to have a panic attack and didn't have Angie there to comfort me. I couldn't call the police or anything. I had forgot that Finn was in the car waiting for us. I ran to the car where the taxi was also on his phone. "F-FINN" I yelled. "WHAT!" He was annoyed. "Angie was kidnapped. Suddenly an amber alert agent off. Finn jumped out of the car and we started chasing the guys car. We stopped running when we reached the guys house. We hid behind the bushes. I was crying the whole way. I put my short hair in a small bun and grabbed finns hand signaling him to run with me. We ran into the house since he left the doer opened and we could hear Angie screaming. I ran and checked every room. I panicked. "ANG-ie" I cried. "ARY HELPPP!" She yelled. Finn called me as he was taken as well. "ARYYYY" finn yelled. I panicked I couldn't do this. I ran into a room and they were oh in their. The guy was holding a knife to Finns throat. Angie was tied on a chair. "Shut up wolfhard" the man scolded him. "Leave hIm aLoNe" I tried not to cry. The guy grabbed me my the waist and tried finding the nearest chair. "LET ME DOWN YOU FLIPPING IDIOT" I yelled. The guy let go and I fell to the grown. He ran somewhere. I untied Finn and Angie and we started to run back to the house.
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