This is just a fiction about me and my best internet friend meeting our crushes irl and a story. Please no hate. This story is for my friend Angie. Love you sm Angie 💕😫
Finn and P.J went to some dang carnival so Angie and I went to the guest room which p.j was staying in. "Hey what's that?" Angie picked a pink bottle. " L-O-V-E P-O-T-I-O-N" Angie read. "I THOUGHT IT WAS FAKE" I yelled. "Me too.." Angie mumbled. "HOW DO I GET FINN OT OF IT" I started yelling. "I-I don't know" Angie mumbled again. "What's the commotion?" Noah came in. "BEST FRIEND!! FINN WAS PUT UNDER A LOVE SPELL WITH P.J!!!" I yelled as I began to tear up. "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH...wait for real?" Noah asked. "Yes" I replied. "Leggo my eggo" came from the TV. I squealed as I ran to the tv. The teaser!!! Noah and Finn never told us what would happen. I got so happy. I hugged Angie and then hugged Noah. "You guys are so happy" Noah laughed. I started crying with Angie. Only for the commercial...but then I remembered Finn...I miss him....
~Finns pov~
Whenever I looked at P.J I felt weird. I felt under something. "So you noticed" P.J told me. "Noticed what" I replied. "I'm so sorry...I know I shouldn't have used that spell on you" she sniffed. "What spell" I questioned slowly getting angry. "A love one" she replied. "I could have lost my girlfriend Are you crazy!!!???" I replied. I got up and grabbed my bike and went to my house. When I got there ary was bawling. Her mascara ran down her face. "Ugh it's Finn" Angie whined. "Great" Noah said sarcastically. "Guys I'm sorry" I yelled. "We shouldn't be the one you say sorry to" Angie said as she looked at ary. "A-Ary I'm sorry...your birthday is tomorrow...I'm such a loser...Im sorry" I whispered. "F-Finn?" She looked at me hugging me tightly. I hugged her back. "You don't love her do you" she let go to look at me. "No" I replied with. "GROUP HUGGGG" Noah yelled hugging me while Angie hugged him and ary hugged Angie. Angie and Ary were really close. They have an amazing friend ship.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~did you see the teaser??!! It was amazing! I cried!
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