This is just a fiction about me and my best internet friend meeting our crushes irl and a story. Please no hate. This story is for my friend Angie. Love you sm Angie 💕😫
When I lost phone service is when I realized we stopped. I looked up from my phone. I saw ary listening to panic at the disco with her earbuds in. I saw a house. a sad looking one too. Next thing you know the taxi driver dragged me by the arm and another man dragged ary. We were in danger. They took us inside the house. They tied us on chairs. Ary tried getting out but a man put a electrocution bracelet. "Aww stop trying" the man said to ary. Ary tried reaching for her phone but ended up getting electrocuted. She groaned in pain. "Haha!" The man with a green shirt and blonde hair yelled. "What a loser" the other man with a red shirt and brown hair said. Ary was getting upset. "Now now name is Henry" said the man with a green shirt and blonde hair. "And I'm William" said he man with brown hair and a red shirt. "We picked the perfect pair" said Henry. An Amber alert went off. William read it out loud "Two girls have been abducted in a grey Felishia (made up car)" William laughed.
~Finns pov~
An amber alert woke me up from a nap. Two girls abducted? I checked he airplane website which told us the people missing on the plane. Angie and Ary weren't there. I started breathing heavily. I ran to Noah and told him. He was freaking out. "ANGIE AND ARY MUST HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED!!!" Noah shouted. We ran to a taxi. Why was there two men in the taxi. I read a sticker that was on the car saying the names of the taxis "William and Henry" I read in my mind. They didn't ask us where we were going. I was getting worried. He took us to a house? It was a sad looking one too. I blacked out. When I woke up I saw Angie tied on a chair. Ary had duct tape on her mouth and was more secured than Angie. "She tried to escape" Henry said. "T-that's my g-girlfriend" I mumbled. Noah was next to me sleeping. "To bad she has gotten electrocuted 12 times and she needed duct tape cause she would stop screaming and she was strong and almost got out of the chains" William said. I could feel my body getting heated up. I was mad. Not only mad...Really Really mad. They were abusing her. "Now now at least little Angie has been a good girl" William said. He forced a dog treat into Angie's mouth. Angie was disgusted ."now now Angie you don't want to make daddy angry...EAT IT" William yelled. Angie looked sad. Ary looked at me and cried. "No please I don't want you getting hurt stop crying" I mouthed out. She tried being quite. Henry looked at her tears falling and slapped her. I was furious. I could see Angie suffering when ary got slapped. Angie looked at me. "Help me" she mouthed out. She began to cry. William slapped Angie. I looked at ary again and she was having a nose bleed. Angie's cheek had a hand mark. I didn't notice Noah was awake he looked furious. He tried getting up but the chair ended up falling backwards. Then that's when William and Henry looked at him and put a electrocution bracelet on him. "Now Angie no more ok?" Henry smiled. The two sickos went upstairs and locked the door. Ary was able to get the loose duct tape off her mouth. "F-Finn" she whispered. I just wanted this to be over. She was still bleeding from her nose and it dropped all over her shirt. I really wanted to punch these idiots in the face. They hurt my friends and my girlfriend. Noah and Angie mouthed things out to each other. They came back down stairs and had a knife with them. "Let's play a game" William whispered. "It's called stab the bad person... who ever does something bad either gets cut or's like duck duck goose" William said. He started with me. He slit a cut on my arm. Then slit a cut into Noah then angie. "Cut cut cut...STAB" William shouted when he reached ary. She got stabbed in the stomach. She coughed blood. I felt helpless. She could die. Noah and Angie were flipping out just as I was. "Aww that's a girl ary... he wiped her mouth with a paper towel."let it all out" Henry said. "YOU GUYS ARE SICK" my voice cracked. Henry and William turned around and dropped the knife. "Let's see who's next" William smirked. "Cut,cut,cut stab" he stabbed ary again in the same area. "AGHHHH" ary groaned. my eyes started to water and Angie and Noah's too. "I-I'm so sorry ary" I whispered. All ary did was cry. "Shut up" William shouted at ary. They taped my mouth and Ary's. "ok new game" William said. "Who ever gets the wrong answer gets ary stabbed" Henry said. They ripped the duct tape off of me. "What's my name" Henry asked. "HANRY" I blurted...I messed his name up. I squealed as the stabbed her in the chest. She yelled but it was muffled since her mouth was covered. "YOUR UNDER ARREST" a police officer shot both of them dead. They grabbed all of us and took us to the hospital. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoyed the long chapter!
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