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I'm sort of writing during lunch in the library. I'll try updating at home, but I can't promise anything.

Anyway, on with the story!


Kyuubi speaking

Kyuubi thinking

People normal (like narrator or something)

People thinking

Summons speaking

'Is it so hard to simply say 'hi' to me? To even notice me? ' Naruto thought sadly, watching his happy family training in the yard.

"Kit, come to me."

'W-What?? Who are you? Where are you? '

"Come to your mindscape, and you will see."

Unsure but not afraid, Naruto jumped from bough to bough, and slid through the window into his attic-room, sat on his bed and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he found himself in a sewer.

'Where am I? '

"Kit! Come here!"

Naruto moved warily through he tunnels until he found himself before a large cage with a large, orange, bunny-eared fox. With nine tails.

'You're the Nine-Tailed fox, aren't you? ' Naruto blinked owlishly, his mind gears whirring.

"Yes Kit, and I am the soul of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. My chakra has been sealed inside your sister. Because of this, because of me, your family neglects you, and the villagers beat you," the fox said, lowering his head, remorse shown clearly in his red eyes. The Kyuubi felt sorrow for the young child that had such a miserable childhood, one that forced him to become older than he was, one that drove away all the comforts other children had the luxury of having. The love of the parents, toys, attention, good food, everything that other children his age wallowed in.

'It's okay.'

The fox's head snapped up.

'It's not your fault. You're the one who is sealed inside me, and I don't think you want that, do you? Besides, when a kunai is sealed inside a scroll, the scroll does not become a kunai. So the villagers are simply ignorant people. I can forgive them, they do not know any better. Same as my sister. She has done no wrong. My parents, however, I have no reason to forgive them. My mother was a former jinchuuriki, wasn't she? And wasn't my father the one who sealed you inside me? ' Naruto chose his words wisely. He was much more mature than any other child his age.

"Kit. . ." The Kyuubi did not know what to say. Never had anyone said this to him before, never had anyone not feared him for being. . . well, him. Not one human since the Sage of Six Paths.

'Hey, Kyuubi. I was just wondering. What's your name? I mean, Kyuubi can't be your name, can it? '

"Kurama, kit. My name is Kurama."

'Kurama,' Naruto repeated. 'Kurama. My name is Naruto! '

"I know, Kit. I have been watching over you." Kurama couldn't keep the smile from his face.

'Kurama, are there any other people like me? Ones that have Tailed Beasts inside of them as well? ' Naruto asked slowly.

"Yes Kit. They are called jinchuuriki. You are a jinchuuriki. There are those like me, with tails counting from one to nine. Shukaku, the One-Tailed Raccoon, Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat, Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle, Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Ape, Kokuo, the Five-Tailed Horse, Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug, Chomei, the Seven-Tailed Insect and Gyuki, the Eight-Tailed Octopus. I am the Nine-Tailed Fox, the most powerful of the Tailed Beasts," Kurama explained.

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