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"Okay, so where to now?" Naruto walked through the forest warily.

"Hey, Kit! Let's go to Suna." 

'Eh? Oh, you finally woke up, you lazy-ass fox.'

"Damnit Kit, I'm trying to help you!! So get moving!" Kurama growled.

Naruto laughed. "Okay, okay, we're going. So it's Gaara who lives there, right?"

"I believe so. He's the jinchuuriki of my insane brother, Shukaku, the One-Tailed Beast, so he may be a bit unstable. The most noticeable feature would be some black rings around his eyes that indicate insomnia."

'Why would Gaara have insomnia? I mean, that means you can't sleep at night, right? '

"Yes, Kit. But the jinchuuriki of Shukaku cannot sleep, because then Shukaku could slowly take over them by eating at their personality, eventually changing them completely," Kurama explained.

Naruto shuddered. 'How awful. I'm glad you're my beast, because you won't take over me.'

Kurama sweatdropped. "Is that the only reason?"

'Nope!! You're my first friend, too! ' Naruto said as he went on his merry way, happily tree-jumping.

"Is it just me, or am I seeing a song forming in your mind? Kit you like singing?" 

'. . . DON'T JUDGE ME!!! ' Naruto shrieked internally.

"Easy Kit! I won't judge!" Kurama yelled, holding his bunny ears against his head. "You've got a good voice. Lemme hear this song."

'Uh. . .'

"It helps pass the time."

'Fine! '

Naruto paused for a moment, thinking, before opening his mouth and filling the silent forest with his clear, strong voice.

"Invisible, push through the fog.

I had to find my way, yeah yeah.

A glow of light,

A spark of hope.

If you imagine it you'll find.

You're reaching for all things,

To follow your dreams,

And nothing will stand in your way.

You're not far, you're close so, stand up for yourself.

It's written in the sky!

Just spread your wings, reach for your dreams! 

There's no mountain that's hard to move!

Take a chance and try,

You will never know,

You're a hero you can fly! (Whoa. . .)

You're a hero you can fly! 

You can fly.

Unthinkable, is best to come.

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