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Study period? Puh-lease, everyone knows that the girls here just watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix on their laptops. Unless you're an author on Wattpad. XD



"Hokage-sama! Threat to Konoha!"

The Hokage's office door was thrown open by a frantic ANBU.

"Kisame Hoshigaki, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, is here! He claims he belongs to the group called the Akatsuki, and they are going to capture the jinchuuriki!"

"What?!" Minato stood up. "Call Kushina and Natsumi! Quickly!"

A few minutes later, both female redheads appeared in the office, one pale-faced whilst the other was just confused.

"Daddy!" The little girl cried, rushing into her father's arms.

"Natsumi!" Minato sighed in relief, hugging his daughter tightly. "Kushina, you're alright?"

"I'm fine," Kushina said shakily, going over to her husband and accepting his embrace.

Minato nodded before calling, "ANBU!"

Dog dropped into the room. "Yes, Hokage-sama?"

"What's the update?"

"Kisame Hoshigaki is steadily overpowering our forces. We believe there is only one group that can stop the Akatsuki. One person alone from that group could easily take on someone like Kisame Hoshigaki," Dog reported.

"Alright. Send a message to them and ask them to help us defeat the Akatsuki!" Minato ordered.

"Yes Hokage-sama."


"Huh? Konoha is asking for our help?" Naruto blinked owlishly, his mind not fully comprehending what his spy (Fuu) was telling him.

"Yeah. So are we. . .?" Fuu trailed off uncertainly.

Naruto shook his head. "Depends on the enemy. If it's something trivial like a village in fear of war, absolutely not."

"It's the Akatsuki."

Naruto's blue eyes snapped open, stormy and furious.

"Let's go. They will not lay a hand on my sister. Not if I can help it. Knowing Minato, he's probably put up reinforcements everywhere."

A soft smile crossed his lips.

"And I would like to see my non-biological family again."

He thought wistfully of his family in everything but blood, his mother, his father, his brothers. . .

How he hoped the Uchiha clan elders did not plan another coup d'état

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How he hoped the Uchiha clan elders did not plan another coup d'état. He wouldn't be able to save them this time.

"Fuu, tell everybody to get their cloaks. See if they are willing to come with me to the Hidden Village of the Leaves."

"No need."

Naruto whipped around, and saw his jinchuuriki family standing behind him, smiling. Their navy blue cloaks with their respective numbers on the back (like Gaara's number would be one, since he is the One-Tailed jinchuuriki) drawn around them. They had little pouches on their belts for kunai, shuriken and other essentials, like Gaara's sand.

 They had little pouches on their belts for kunai, shuriken and other essentials, like Gaara's sand

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"You'll. . . really go with me?" Naruto was surprised.

"Of course," Yugito smiled. "We'll go with you anywhere and everywhere."

"You're our leader. We can't let you go off on your own. Wouldn't be much of a family, would we?" Yagura smiled, stepping forward and handing Naruto and Fuu their cloaks.

"Thanks guys," Naruto smiled before swirling the cloak around his shoulders.

"Uncle Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, are you staying here? Or coming with us to Konoha?" Naruto called over.

Three figures popped out, wearing black versions of the cloaks and a red cloud in place of the number.

"We're coming with you," Yahiko stretched, yawning. 

"It would be nice to see Jiraiya-sensei again," Nagato stated in his low, monotone that was scarily similar to Gaara's.

"Well then, let's go."

Aaaaaaaannnnnndddddd Study Period over! Assembly time! 


Shiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzz we're late! (I totally did not swear right then XD) Because Shmoo has awful packing up skills. . .


. . . did I even bring it? 



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