A Living Nightmare

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Two years ago...


      "You don't look like you're faring too well, little bird." Deathstroke chuckles as Renee shudders slightly, locked and strapped to the metal table. The glow of the Lazarus Pit across the room illuminates her body, bruises where bones had been broken, blood flowing steadily from multiple gashes in her arms and legs, staining her frayed Robin suit. One wound in particular seems to be producing the most crimson liquid; a stab wound to the left of her chest, though her ragged breathing signals that that her lung had been hit as well. Her skin is a translucent pale from blood loss, teeth close to chattering from loosing body heat. Her eyes force themselves open, fighting darkness creeping at the edges of her vision. The villian grabs the seventeen year old's thin hair, eliciting a quiet and pained groan.

       "Let's see how many dips you can take before I finally break you. How many has it been? Five? Six? I suppose you keep count better than I do." He hisses, and she chokes back a sob. He lets go of her hair, and her head drops back onto the table with an audible thunk. Footsteps echo around the cave as he walks out, leaving Renee to her thoughts.

       A lone tear slips past her mask as she realizes this nightmare will never end. He was right when he said she kept count (for how could she forget?), and she had been thrown into that Pit no less than five times since Deathstroke found out how to use it multiple times. No matter how many times she succumbs to the relief of death, he always finds a way to drag her back to the world of the living, taking a bit of her sanity every time. She can feel the effects of it; the whispers of voices in the night, the shadows that surround her, the demons that laugh and taunt her every single night. The silent screams echoing in her head, begging for the relief and peacefulness of death as she struggles through this living nightmare. 

     Please, for once just let me go...just let me die... She silently screams pleadingly as the darkness creeps across her vision, body becoming more and more tired with each second. She shivers with cold and finally relaxes, knowing all too well what's going on. The pain is starting to numb, and she can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The sick part of all of this is that this is what has to happen for the constant companion of pain to stop.

      Just let me die... Her eyes slip closed, breath slowing as her heart stops once again.


     She awakens to the burning of the Pit, mentally sobbing and screaming, crying out because this is a nightmare she can never wake from.

Renee McClellanWhere stories live. Discover now