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Welcome to caste prep!

This is a rather small school but is very prestige, and you have been accepted. There is something a little different about this school though. In regular schools everyone had a role, your a nerd a jock a prep thing like that right? Well here you don't get to choose. The first day of class you draw a card from a deck and that's your role. There are four of each card accept the king, queen and Jack.

King- the king
Queen- the queen
Jack- the Kings best friend/ right hand

10,9,8- preps and jocks always hanging out with the king, queen and Jack. Higher ranking

7,6,5- aren't necessarily popular but aren't nerds or geeks, more on the safe side. Middle ranking

4,3,2- geeks, goths and nerds, usually the subject of bullying but not to bad. Lower ranking

Joker- target, bullied by everyone, targeted by all, people who don't follow there roles are also made into targets. Lower ranking

Ace- bad ass, they are more of floaters, they still have to listen to the king but are known to beat people up

Even if your card doesn't fit your personality you have to change or you become a target. Everyone has to listen to the king and queen ( the king and queen don't have to be dating, it more of a title )

Good luck!

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