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We hate them but we have to have them

take smut to pm.
yes this is high school so tactically sex will be a thing. Take it to pm or ts it okay?

cussing is aloud
You can fucking cuss your ass off I don't give a flying fuck ( don't over do it like I just did )

• do not defy your role
You will immediately become a target so stay with your role

• don't but into other people's moments
I cannot express how much this pisses me off, if someone is having a moment DONT FORCE YOUR CHARACTER IN! I hate that so much

• no chains
This is a tagging rp okay? Don't chain

• rp third person past tense
It's my preferred way
Don't- * walks in * hi
Don't- 'walks in and says hi'
Don't- I walk in " hi " I greet
Do- donny walked in " hi" he greeted

• hate the character not the roleplayer
Seriously, don't go fighting irl, but do make characters fight because drama!

• don't be op ( unless your the king but still don't over do it)
If your the king then okay but don't over do it, what I don't want to
See it

Julia was a target but she was sick of being bullied, she grabbed Jonathan the prep and swung him to the wall, breaking his arm. She then grabbed his face and slammed it into the wall, breaking his nose and knocking him out


• I can break these rules if needed
I'll try not to but I will if needed

the king has everyone's phone number
This is more of a btw but he can text anyone and everyone at anytime

• I can add rules at any time
I forget so I may add on deal with it

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