Ranks / alliances

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Ranks in detail by cards

King- the king of the school. The king is the boss of everyone, you have to do whatever he says. If you out shine him you will most likely be punished. He can do whatever the hell he wants and no one can stop him or speak bad about it. Note he does not have to be in a relationship with the queen, it more of a title ( closed ) ( 1/1 )

Queen- the queen of the school. Just like the king she is the boss and everyone must listen to her. She is usually highly said after by guys and some girls. Does not need to be in a relationship with the king.
Closed ( 1/1 )

Jack- the Kings best friend/right hand. This is the second highest ranking person, everybody but the king has to listen to them. They're always around the king and supporting him, and are sometimes around the king as well. The king queen and Jack usually always hang around together, even if it's just for image
( closed) (1/1 )

10,9,8- the preps/jocks. These high cards are preps and jocks, even if your the wimpish nerd, if you draw a 10,9 or 8 you have to become a prep or jock. They flock around the king, queen and Jack and bully the underlings like there supposed to.
(Open) (4/12 )

7,6,5- the normies. These people aren't exactly preps but aren't nerd or
Geeks either. They are looked down upon and usually bullied by preps but they bully the geeks and nerds. They can be slackers or messengers for the big 3
( open ) ( 1/12 )

4,3,2- the nerds/geeks/goths. These are almost the lowest rank. You've got your brainiacs and your anarchist, the otakus and weebs. These are often bullied, though not as much as the targets, and have to join after school academics clubs or goth club.
(Open) ( 3/12 )

Joker- the targets. These are people who draw the joker card or refuse to
Follow there assigned rank. They are CONSTANTLY bullied by everyone. Even the geeks and nerds, everyone targets them and sometimes the king will single one out to save but that's rare.
( open ) ( 2/5 )

Ace- the bad boys/girl. These are the people others are afraid of, they are tough and will beat you Up for just looking at them. They are bullies and rather outside of ranks. Now they have to listen to the king and queen like everyone else but other than that most people avoid them out of fear.
( open ) ( 0/5 )

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