Chapter 1.

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"And the nominees are..." The mumbles and chatter of the crowd grew with the suspense.

"Clyde!" I heard Ty walking through the crowd and whisper-yelling over to me.

"What's up, Kid?" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"Uhh, well, ya see the thing is.. uhh." He stammered.

"Spit it out, Kid. I'm in the middle of something here if you can't tell."

"Your lame award show can wait, jerk. It's important! He's back, at Motto Hotel! Security reported a break in, and we got the news. We know it's him." Whispers of the crowd washing through as the announcer listed off all the nominees.

"Why now?" I mumbled, complaining to myself.

"C'mon!" he grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me.

"Woah Kid, calm down, I'm comin'!" I told him. He's a bit too young and ambitious for this job.

"And the winner is... Clyde Cedar!" The microphone boomed my name.

"Damn." I mumbled, still being dragged. I know I don't have any time to go back and accept the award. I brought my hands out of his grip and up to my white button up shirt, unbuttoning the top few buttons. Last thing I need right now is these buttons slowing me down and restricting breathing. I'll have enough of that dealing with this monster. I quickened my pace to meet back up to Ty.

He walked out to my black car, about to get into the driver's seat.

"You know damn well you won't be driving." He sighed as I stated the truth. I sat down into the car as Ty did the same in the passenger seat beside me.

"Where is the hotel again?" I asked.

"4th street." He spoke. I turned the key and drove.

"I'm gunna need a cigarette after this." I complained, staring out the window as we drove down the empty street. I really didn't wanna do this now.


"Here it is." He suddenly spoke, causing me to stop the car.

"Little warning next time, 'kay?"

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up." Even though I don't want to be here working right now, I have Ty here. As much as I seem to hate him, he's a good kid for the most part. My favorite thing about Ty as my partner is that he knows I'm not perfect. He doesn't put me on a pedestal like some partners do to their superiors, he doesn't blindly do what I say either, he uses his own wits. He still has respect for people above him though. It's good that he uses his own mind, and doesn't rely on mine. If I make a mistake, he'll notice it. I grab my pistol from the arm rest and put in into my back pocket. I need more than a pistol, but this is all I have right now. I toss Ty a second pistol and we walk up to the front door of the building.

Rust colored brick walls, tile floor on the inside of the building, and glass doors that are left unlocked and left wide open. Well, to be more accurate, it looks as if it was smashed open, and then pushed opened for anyone to enter. I slowly pushed it open more, listening to the hanging glass fall onto the floor and shatter more than it already was. The sound of crunching glass under my shoes echoed throughout the lobby. There was no way that the monster didn't know I was here.

"Hello, my old friend." I chuckled, seeing the state he's in now. Ty turned and gave me a skeptical look, wondering who I was talking to. Ty turned his head to meet the spot I was looking at and wasn't so curious anymore.

There he was. In the corner, red eyes, hunched over a corpse.

"How, how did this become your life? To think I ever knew you. Hmpf." I retorted as he turned his disgusting face towards me.

"What have you become? Disgusting, unloved, ugly, disfigured, creature." He lunged himself towards me as I slid to the side to dodge. He's graceful even though he's like this. He crouched and got right up as he fell.

"Abomination."I kept provoking him as he continued to strike, always missing.

"You think I'm the abomination? What a load of B.S.! Are you sure you're the same guy I used to go out drinking with? You're the disgusting creature, Ryan!" He paused, yelling across the empty room at me.

"I don't go by that name." I aimed my gun and fired. He slid past the bullet and started running towards me. The wall behind him that was hit by the bullet was torn down from the impact. You see, these bullets aren't normal. They're made specifically to kill these creatures. These specific abominations to society. They don't deserve to live. That's why I have the job I do, to eradicate them. This disgrace to humanity here is a good example of the creatures we call Kόκκινα μάτια (Pronounced Kókkina mátia) . It's Greek for "Red Eyes". They've been recorded and documented back since ancient times. Disgusting creatures. They hunt humans for a living, it seems to be a pastime event to them at times. They look and act like normal people, but when they're out hunting, they're full of lust and power. The most common sign of them is their red, bloodshot eyes. They also have very pale skin, claw-like nails, and strong, sharp teeth. These are only features they have when they are killing or in the mood to kill, other than that there's no difference but the pale color of their skin.

I was knocked back by the force of the monster's body on top of mine, knocking my pistol from my hand. He looked rabid with his bloodshot eyes, and the blood dripping in strands from his mouth. "Monster. You should be killed like the roach you are." I spat to him as he had me pinned down, heavily panting.

"You're the one who should be killed. You hunt my kind for down when we cannot change our lives, we cannot stop living like this. You cannot change our DNA, neither can we! I should slice your neck right now, shouldn't I?" He brought a hand to my neck and used his nails to leave claw marks.

"If you're gonna kill me, you don't need to slober on top of me as you talk." I said bluntly. Every damn word he spoke, that nasty bloody spit left his mouth onto my face.


I heard the familiar sound. The monsters eyes seemed to drain from all color and emotion as he still stared at me. Blood oozing from his mouth, but not in the same way as before. It was draining from his body instead of dripping from his blood-stained teeth. I could feel the cold air seep from his mouth as he fell to the side of me, onto the floor. I look behind his body to see Ty aiming a gun at us. I smirked and got up off the floor.

"Good job Kid. Oh, and for you," I looked back down at the lifeless body. "I never knew you. And never will. But, I know about you. I know where you live, where you work, where your wife works, and hell, where your kid goes to school. And I want you to know during your last dying breath, that I promise to kill off your family, and make them suffer." I kicked him in the gut, watching more blood spew out from his mouth along with the last bit of life that he had, die out of him. I kept the smirk plastered onto my face.

"Looks like I'll have to buy a new white shirt." I chuckled, walking out of the building, leaving the rubble and mayhem behind. Ty was used to this, so he wasn't shocked that I took no effort to cover this kind of situation up. We got into the car and drove to my house.


I walked in with Ty right behind me. I placed the keys in the dish by the door.

"Don't forget, your rent's due next week, Kid." I reminded.

"Alright." He went off into the back room he was renting from me. I walked into my room, grabbing some bandage wraps off of my shelf and slumped onto my couch. I wrapped my neck so that the small cuts made didn't get infected. I didn't give a fuck about my bloody clothes since it's normal to have some blood on them when I get home. I've had to buy black furniture so it isn't that noticeable. We do clean the chairs and stuff though. I heard the sound of the shower turn on in the other room. Hm, should I take a shower too? Yeah, I need to get this filth off of me eventually. I'll just rest my eyes until he gets out so I can shower...


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