Chapter 7.

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"Hey," I heard him round the corner, using a calm voice.

"Why'd you follow me? I thought you were having fun, joking along with everyone else." I retorted with a hostile tone. I threw my cigarette onto the ground and stomped on the bud.

"What's with you, huh? They can always joke about you but when I do you freak out at me! What did I do?! It's just some fun, Clyde!" Aggravation heated in his voice as he started to raise his voice as he spoke.

"You know what?" I raised my voice higher than his and turned to look at him. "It's because I care! This is a real mission where you can die! Can you not see that?! Every damn time you crack a joke, you're just proving that your life doesn't matter, Tyler! But it does, it does matter!  If you die on my watch I will not forgive myself, okay?! Do you finally understand how much danger you are going to be in? If she is the monster you think she is, what stops her from tearing out your throat? Huh? I am your partner for a reason, Ty! We are supposed to be there for eachother when there's danger, and I refuse to fail that on purpose!" My voice boomed around between the buildings. He was startled and shocked by my actions. I walked away, back towards the doors of our building.

"You're like a goddamn child, Clyde! You're having a temper-tantrum just because I was joking around with the guys? " I stopped walking and spun around.

"Excuse me, but you literally are the child! You are too young to know what the world is like! And you know what, it's just proven by the fact that you believe you're in love with a girl you just met, I mean you've barely known Grayson! Immature and idiotic! You are a child. You haven't begun to see the world I know."

"You fucking ignorant asshole! I have experience in this world! You have no right to invalidate my life! I bet you've never been in an actual relationship, you fucking selfish son of a bitch!" He spat back at me. Hatred pouring through his words. I laugh, the chuckle engulfed with anger.

"Selfish? Selfish, huh?! I'm selfish?! I'm selfish because I was worried for your safety? Selfish because I didn't want you joking around and screwing off while I was trying to make sure you're safe? Sure, go ahead and die, what do I care? It won't matter if some ungrateful brat runs off to his death, does it, huh?!"

"See you at home, asshole." He spat.

"Wash out that mouth of yours on your way, too." He didn't respond and just went to the car. Great, I have no ride home, huh?

I turn back to the building doors to see Jinx, Hunter, and Tea watching through the glass windows. Great, I've made fool of myself in front of my friends, haven't I? 

"Hey, anyone up for drinks?" I yell towards them as Tea opens the door for me.

"Ya sure, Clyde?" Jinx asks concerned.

"What? You never question drinks, Jinx?" I ask.

"Can't you see this man needs beer, Jinx!" Hunter jokingly interrupts intending to lighten the mood.

"Oh sorry I was just making sure you're sure with this, and not just doing it out of anger... But if you're sure, let's do it." She agreed.

"You comin' Tea?" Hunter asked. We all know her answer, 'no, sorry, haha.' She doesn't drink at all, but might as well be polite and ask.

"Sure." We all do a double take. What did she just say?

"What?" Hunter asked for clarification.

"Well, I figured I could be the designated driver, maybe have a small shot. I dunno, I just want you guys to be able to have fun." She innocently smiles. 

"Thanks, Tea." I smile and bend down to hug her short frame.

"Haha, it's nothing!" She continues to smile happily.

"Well, I guess let's head out right after you close up the meeting and pack up the paperwork!" Hunter hit his palm onto my back.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you in thirty minutes? Meet at my desk?" I ask them all as they nod in a 'yes' type manner.

"'Kay, see ya' soon!" We all split up, eager for later.


"HEYYYYY, TYYLEER!" I slam through the door.

"Huh?" He tiredly looks over at me from the couch.

"Clyde.. Is that you? It's 2AM, what are you doing?"

"I GOTtTsssSOME DRINKSS! oAW MAN, YOU SHOULDA COME TOOO!" I stumble over to him, falling over the couch on top of him.

"OOpS! AHAHAAAAAHahhhhHh! MMAHN, I WAASS WITH JINKSSZ AND HUNDER, AND DUOOODE," I paused, sitting up and looking Ty in his face, lowering my voice so I wasn't yelling and was instead almost whispering.

"Psssht, guess what,"

"Huh? ...Geez, you smell like booze." He mumbled his comment.

"We-we gott Tee to uh, take shotz." I inhaled heavily ina surprised manner.

"How much did you drink? I thought you were a heavy weight?"

"I had, uhh," I collapsed fully onto the couch, facing the ceiling. I reached my hand outward so the palm was facing up, then closed my fist. I slowly held out a finger for each number I counted.

"Uhhhh, one."



"And uhh, fourth! Ahhahahah!!" I honestly didn't even remember how many I had or even what I had. Ty stood up off of the couch.

"Give me your hand." He held out his palm.

"Wwhhhhhy?" I whined and spastically kicked my feet around in the air like a child.

"Just get up and give me your hand." He demanded.

"Fffffff-ffiine!" He started pulling me into the hallway and towards our bedroom doors.

"Hhey! You-you-you'aren't pullin' any funny stuff heaar, arre ya?" I slurred jokingly.

"I putting you on your bed, now shut up. Your breath is disgusting."

"Woooow, you'rre so meen to mee!" He stopped dragging me and left me standing by my bed as he walked out, shutting the door behind him agitatedly.

"I lovee yeeeuw tooo!!" I yelled at him, laughing as I fell face-first onto my bed.


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