Chapter 8

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Kat and Jax both stood in the bathroom waiting for the results of her pregnancy test, not wasting anymore time Jax turned it over

"Negative" Jax said tossing in the garbage slightly disappointed

"Well that's good news right?" Kat asked

"I really wanted you to be Kat" Jax said

"I'm sorry Jax" Kat said

"So this is it then" Jax said shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked out of the bathroom

"Yeah, this is it... I'm gonna pack up the rental and head out" Kat said

"I'm gonna miss you kit kat" Jax said

"You'll be fine without me, maybe this time you'll find the right girl to take care of you and Abel" Kat smiled

"I wish it was you Kat" Jax admitted

"We don't work anymore Jax it's best that I go" Kat said

"You won't even give us a shot so how do you know?" Jax asked

Kat shrugged her shoulders

"We didn't before, nothing is going to change Jax" Kat said

"You dont want to try so you won't know" Jax said

"I don't want my heart broken anymore, I left this town for a reason I can't stay" Kat said

"Okay I get it, I guess I'll catch ya later then" Jax said heading for the door

"Yeah catch ya later Jax" Kat said quietly

Jax stopped at the door, he turned around with tears in his eyes

"That day you left, I was arguing with you because I wanted to show you how much I loved you. I was going to propose to you" Jax said

Kat stood there and bit the inside of her cheek. All these years she had blamed Jax for her leaving and he was trying to do the right thing all along

Jax opened the door, giving Kat one last look before he closed the door


Kat drove down the road as Jaxs words ran through her head over and over. If she would of not been so stubborn she would of been married to Jax and they would have countless kids

Looking in the mirror hoping Jax would be following her but he wasn't, pulling over to the side of the road Kat broke down, the one person she loved the most was letting her go, she hoped Jax would of told her to stay, but he let her walk right out the door.

Hearing a tap on the window Kat looked up and saw Happy standing there

Kat rolled the window down

"Come with me" Happy said

"Happy I'm on my way out of town" Kat said wiping her face off

"No your not, you think I'm gonna let you ruin both your lives again?" Happy asked opening the door

"What are you talking about?" Kat asked

"You two belong together, as much as you hate eachother you belong together" Happy said

"Happy you dont know what your talking about" Kat said

"Little girl you have two options, you come willingly or I'm gonna a force you" Happy said

"Jax put you up to this?" Kat asked

"No not at all" Happy said

"Why are you doing this?" Kat asked

"I loved someone once, I let her go and it was the stupidest thing I've ever done" Happy said

"I know what I'm doing this is the right decision" Kat said

Happy reached into the car and unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her out of the car

Happy walked Kat forcefully to his bike

"Get the fuck on" Happy said

Kat huffed and got on the bike

Happy drove faster then Kat was used to, making his way to the clubhouse Happy dragged Kat inside and to Jaxs dorm room, not bothering to knock happy opened the door and pushed Kat inside

Jax looked up, his eyes glossed over and his hair was a mess

"You two fuckin talk, fuck, kiss whatever you two do" Happy said closing the door

"Why are you here?" Jax asked

"Happy made me come here" Kat said

"Why?, No one makes you do anything" Jax said

Kat sat down next to Jax

"Happy scares me, he said he wasn't letting us ruin our lives again" Kat said

"Since when did that bald fuck give love advice" Jax chuckled

"I'm not sure" Kat said looking away

"Maybe he's right" Jax whispered

"Jax, what if he's not." Kat asked

"We fight we yell, scream. Sometimes I want to choke the life out of you but Christ Kat I still love you I never stopped" Jax said

"Why though Jax, I left you" Kat asked

"I wasn't a good man then, i am now. I want a family kit kat and I want it with you, when that test came back negative I knew I lost you forever" Jax said

"How is this going to work?" Kat asked

"It's not, we never work. We have good days we have bad but at the end of the day I want you, you by my side every night" Jax said

"Jax I dont know" Kat said

"Neither do I, but I do know that I love you and I need you Kat. I'm scared, so scared to raise Abel alone. I dont know how to take care of a baby" Jax said

"Jax I can't just stay because you need someone to take care of Abel" Kat said looking at him

"I need someone to take care of me Kat" Jax said getting up and walking over to the night stand

Jax opened the drawer and he pulled out a black velvet box and handed it to Kat who looked at Jax

"I can't let you walk away anymore Kat" Jax said

Kat opened the box, inside was a silver band, perfectly scripted was Kat and Jax

"Jax..." Kat said standing up

"Please Kat" Jax asked

"Jax about last time" Kat whispered

"That was then. I'm not that guy. I need to show you something" Jax said  taking his shirt off

Kat's hand flew up to her mouth as she ran her fingers over the fresh tattoo over Jaxs heart Kat

"Jax" Kat whispered

"My heart belongs to you and only you" Jax said touching her face

"You branded yourself with my name" Kat whispered

"And I want the whole world to know it. I love you Kathy Winston" Jax smiled

"It's fucking Kat you asshole" Kat smiled

"Like the animal" Jax said biting his lip as he pulled her closer

"I love you Jax.... Dont fuck this up your branded now" Kat smiled

"I'll always be yours Kat you know that" Jax said wrapping his arms around her and picking her up

"I better be... Krazy kit Kat will come out to play again" Kat whispered into Jaxs ear

"We don't want that" Jax groaned

"Love me Jax" Kat said

"You don't even have to ask" Jax said laying Kat down on the bed

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