Chapter 17

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Jax and Kat sat in the courtroom the following day holding hands as they watched their little girl get sentenced to three years in jail, Kat cried hysterically as Jax held her and tried holding back his own tears. Jax never thought in a million years that his daughter would be the one causing trouble. Abel was off at medical school to become a pediatrics doctor and Opie well he was following his fathers footsteps in the club, but Jax always thought that Ophelia was going to do something great, not get shipped off to prison at the age of seventeen

Jax brought Kat to the clubhouse per her request that she needed a drink, or a lot of drinks but he wasn't going to argue with her, Kat felt like she failed as a mother somewhere because all of her children were off doing their own things and she didn't have anyone anymore. Kat hated the fact that Abel said he didn't want to talk to her anymore but she knew that Jax did that to spite her kicking him out of the house. She wasn't sure what was going on with her and Jax at this point, last night was amazing for the both of them as was this morning when Jax got up and cleaned up the spoiled dinner and made her breakfast in bed before they showered together and headed to the courthouse

"Wow Kat, haven't seen you in here in a while" Brooke smiled from behind the bar

"Bad day, I need a shot like ten of them" Kat said as she tossed her purse on the table and dug her smokes out and lit one

"One at a time Brooke" Jax said as he sat down next to Kat who side eyed him "Pace yourself, you don't need to be barfing everywhere and make a fool of yourself"

"Fine one at a time, and a beer" Kat said as she blew the smoke into Jax's face

After a few shots together, Kat was feeling a bit more relaxed and her nerves were finally settled when she heard the door slam and looked up. Jax put his hand on her arm as he knew that Kat was about to fly off the handle at who just walked in the club

"You haven't been home where have you been?" Colette asked placing her hand on her hips not realizing that Kat was sitting next to Jax

"Colette I think you need to leave" Jax said as he stood up and moved himself in between Kat and Colette

"Why? Is your little sweetbutt gonna kick my ass?" Colette laughed as she moved her head to look at Kat who was staring at the wall smoking, trying to compose herself

Kat slowly turned her head and looked at Colette "Names Kat, but everyone around here calls me crazy kit kat"

"Really Jax? Come on and come home. Looks like you've had a rough few days" Colette said as she tried to lace her fingers with Jax's

Kat had seen enough, reaching around she grabbed Colette's hand and twisted it behind her back and pressed her lips against Colette's ear "I suggest you leave before I break your arm into three pieces, and then I am going to break your jaw so they have to wire it shut and then you have no way to suck anyones dick you disgusting piece of shit"

Jax smiled as he sat down on the bar stool and took the shot that Brooke poured for him

Kat let Colette go who looked at Jax in shock "Colette, meet my wife"

"This is your wife? She is crazy!" Colette cried out as she pushed Jax on the chest

"There is a reason she has the nickname" Jax said shrugging his shoulders

Colette shook her head in disbelief, she knew Jax had a wife but she didn't think that his wife was as crazy as Jax was "You both are insane, you both are made for each other" Colette said before she stormed out of the clubhouse

Jax wrapped his arms around Kat and pulled her to his lap and kissed her lightly "I think I miss crazy kit kat the most, haven't seen her in a while" Jax laughed

"Kinda felt good! Where is that bald fuck, I need to get in the ring" Kat said loudly as she jumped off Jax's lap and went in search for Happy

A few hours later Kat jumped out of the ring, sweat pouring off her body as Jax handed her a bottle of water

"Crazy kit kat still has it after all this time Jax, like she never went away" Happy said as he panted

"Good, she needs to come out more often, but I think its time to head home. I'm getting hungry" Jax said as he watched Kat wipe the sweat from her face with the bottom of her shirt

Kat's head snapped up "I'm not cooking"

"Never said you had to, I will or we can pick something up on the way" Jax said as he grabbed Kat's purse

"Well I am telling you that I am eating dinner tonight, before anything" Kat said as she walked with Jax towards his bike

"Well actually you are going to shower because you smell absolutely terrible" Jax laughed before Kat pushed Jax

Once Jax and Kat where home Kat jumped in the shower while Jax ordered the pizza

Kat walked out of the bathroom and out to the kitchen  to find Jax sitting at the table smoking while the pizza sat on the table, not realizing that she took longer then she expected

"You smell better" Jax laughed

"The pizza smells better then me though, come on lets go eat this, grab a few beers" Kat said as she grabbed the pizza and went to the living room and sat down on the couch

Kat sighed as she felt Jax's grip tighten around her as they laid together with their skins touching "Whats on your mind babe?" Jax asked as he squeezed tighter

"Just hoping this isn't a dream and you aren't going to leave tomorrow morning" Kat admitted, she knew that this was going to be over soon but she wasn't ready for it

"I'm not going anywhere, I know I fucked up Kat and I am sorry but I am going to fix this if I have to wait on you hand foot for the rest of my life then I will. I'm not doing anything to lose you again" Jax said as he kissed the side of her cheek

"Good cause I didn't come back home all those years ago to be alone" Kat smiled as she rolled over to look at Jax

"You'd never be alone kit kat, besides" Jax began as he trailed his finger down Kats back and whispered in her ear "My crow, my pussy"

Well guys that is it for Kat and Jax!!!! Now that this is over I can focus on my other stories more!!!! Thank you for everything!!!

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