~Chapter 4~

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I was still frozen thanks to Angel's spell to worsen my emotions. Leo was moving fast, Totomaru was soon catching up to his speed as his sword had cut Leo's cheek. I was worried for him. Sadly once the worrying started Angel's spell started to make it much worse than it would of been. My whole body was shaking as it felt as if I was in pain. My own emotions eating me from the inside out. "Leo The Lion, Leader Of The Zodiacs. I would stand down unless you want my spell to kill your owner" Angel spoke moving behind me.

Her hands went on my shoulders as soon her head was on my right shoulder, resting on her hand. Leo was frozen glaring toward her. "Can't you sense it? Her emotions slowly killing her with great pain" Angel asked as the pain inside was getting worse. I bit my bottom lip as I knew Leo could see I was in pain. "Let her go" Leo snapped as I could see the rage in his eyes. Angel laughed as Totomaru soon stabbed Leo in the gut. "LEO" I shouted my eyes watering around Leo was starting to vanish into his world.

Before he left he grabbed hold of Totomaru's katana taking it with him to his world. Totomaru had rage on his face. "I want that back" he muttered coldly staring at me. "Leo took it, I can't summon some stupid sword" I snapped toward him as Totomaru had a deadly aura around him. Angel gave out a hum as she moved to stand in front of me. "I like you already, what's your name?" Angel asked as I only glared at her. Angel sighed shaking her head slightly. "If you are the sister of them girls, Michelle is now my bosses pet" Angel then smirked.

My eyes widen looking right at her. "She is a very fun plaything and if you play nice I can let you see her again" Angel soon offered as she then put her finger under my chin lifting my head up slightly. She was only a little taller than me. "That necklace has bonded with you. Even if we kill you taking it off won't work" Angel then sighed looking toward Totomaru who still had his deadly aura around him. "I would get your hands off her" I heard Erza's voice as Angel and Totomaru move their heads.

My eyes moved to see Erza walking toward us, a sword in her hand as her eyes were close. You could sense a dark aura around her. Much stronger and deadly than the one Totomaru had. "Titania" Totomaru muttered coldly as flames started to dance around his hands. Erza soon opened her eyes. Everything about her was in a serious tone. Her stance, body language and her eyes. "You are to remove the spell off her" Erza pointed her sword toward Angel as Angel just sighed. Totomaru looked as if he was getting ready to attack.

His flames were getting much bigger around his hands as soon a wave of fire came flying from the side toward Totomaru pushing him pretty far. He ended up getting pushed into a half destroyed wall. You could tell the hit was painful as the wall had a crack and blood came out of Totomaru's mouth once he had hit it. My eyes then saw Natsu. The Prince as he walked over to Erza's side. "Now you might want to listen now" Natsu spoke his words were harsh as Angel made some floating golden coins show in front of her.

My eyes widen as I knew what they was. Like my keys them coins could summon things. They wasn't spirits like mine. They was dark objects that had taken over people's bodies or objects. Every time a user would use a summon coin they would turn insane or lose from of the lifespan. Angel was still standing in front of me as Erza looked like she was about to charge. Soon the coins started to glow as Angel muttered something to quiet for me to hear. The glow soon blinding me for a small while.

Once I could see I saw a white angel that possessed a giant pair of wings; four long arms and seven heads, each holding a horn. This was the angel spirit known as Raguel. Raguel was known for it's attack. He would blows the horns to damage its opponents with a powerful sound-wave. "I'm sorry Prince Natsu but this girl has no choice but to come with me as she won't give up the necklace" Angel spoke looking toward me with a smirk. I knew what she was planning and what she was about to do.

She was going to try and put Prince Natsu's and Erza's lifes in danger. To where they could be killed. With the emotion spell on me the guilt would make me give up the necklace. "I would never give you this necklace. I would rather die then let you hurt my sisters even more than you are" I nearly shouted with pure rage in my voice as I knew I couldn't let them have it. If what Totomaru said was true. About what they did to my sisters... I knew Eclair would do anything to make sure this wouldn't get in the wrong hands.

Angel clicked her fingers as Raguel sent waves of sound toward Erza and Natsu. Natsu looking the most in pain as he grabbed his ears. It was known that dragons had sensitive hearing, they could hear almost anything no matter how far or quiet along with smelling scents. Erza moved toward the giant angel as she tried using her sword to cut it in half. A small white glow came from Raguel as it made Erza's sword break once it touched him. Erza was soon punched into the ground. She got up fast looking as if she didn't feel a thing.

Two bright golden lights showed in front of her as she moved her hands to the ends of them. Once she touched the lights they had turned into katanas. Angel's spirit rushed as Erza as now the small glow couldn't destroy her swords. The sound-waves were focused on her as Natsu soon was able to uncover his ears and glare at Angel. "Why do you care about some random girl?" Angel soon asked as she moved toward me as she touched the top of my head with her finger. Once she removed it huge wave of pain came at me.

I ended up falling onto my knees screaming in pain as Angel was laughing. I was hugging myself as Natsu's onyx eyes turned red as he moved fast toward Angel his hold arm and hand was set on fire. Before he could hit Angel his own flames came off his body and blasted him away from her. I soon saw Totomaru walking over. "Fire. The element that I can control by my mind" Totomaru spoke as Angel looked toward me. "How about a deal girl, come with us or give us the necklace.... Or well we can badly hurt and Prince and his head knight" Angel spoke.

I was glaring at her as the pain in my body was getting worse by the second. The pain was so bad I couldn't scream anymore. The only sound I could make was a whimper as soon I coughed up blood, it landing on the ground right in front of me. "You are struggling, it will just make my spells on you worse" Angel informed me as I noticed Natsu and Totomaru were fighting. Every time Natsu tried using his fire, Totomaru would turn it to hurt him. Natsu had no choice but to fight with his hands. 

Angel moved to my height smirking right at me. Her dark eyes showing pure bloodlust as I felt weak. I felt like passing out. I then remembered the pond basically that was right behind me. The village was next to this huge pond filled with flowers, fish and wildlife. "AQUARIUS" I soon shouted as my body was shaking feeling like it was about to shut down. Angel got back onto her feet, standing tall as she burst out into laughter. It was known that Aquarius never came to help unless it was a summon by her key.

Aquarius had always been there for me. Ever since I could remember. I didn't have much magic but I was hoping. Praying that she heard me. That was when waves of water came past me, hitting Angel. Pushing her into the spirit she had summoned. This pushed them both flying as Erza looked my way shocked. I soon felt a arm go around me. I felt like a mother embrace as soon I could control my body. It felt as if Angel's spells were lifted. "Idiot girl" I heard her voice along with a 'tisk'. I smiled knowing it was her.

"Yeah, I am one" I replied still feeling weak from the pain as I was glad she heard me.


She came to help me.

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