Chapter 4

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Skyler's POV
"So how was your first day of school?" mom asks Mel and I.
"It was good, made about two friends today," I hear Mel reply.
"Ditto. However, the friends Mel made are also the friends I made," I reply.
"That's good to hear," mom says. "Dinah is in the studio right now. Do you girls have a lot of homework?"
"I have three but I don't think they'll take me long a time to do," Mel says.
"I have the same amount of homework Mel has. But I don't think it'll take me long to do either," I tell mom. Mel and I are both straight A students so it doesn't take us very long to do homework.
"Well maybe I should call Dinah to see if you're allowed to see the other girls in the studio!" mom suggests. Mel and I turn our heads to each other, become wide-eyed, and let out small shriek. Mom laughs at us upon hearing the shriek.
    Mom then pulls over and pulls out her phone. She dials Dinah's number and puts the phone next to her ear. The conversation then begins.
    "Hey how are you and the girls doing?"
    "I'm fine. The Sky and Mel are fine also. I was just wondering if the girls could come over to the studio to meet the rest of the group."
    "Oh really?!"
    "Ok. Get back to work."
    Mom sighs, "Well ladies, looks like you will be meeting Normani, Lauren, and Ally today." Upon mom saying that, Mel and Sky started screaming."
Minutes later we were in front of the door leading to the studio. Mom knocks on the door.
"Who is it?" a voice behind the door asks.
"Dinah's mom," mom slightly yells so that she could be heard.
The door opens and reveals Dinah.
"Hi cuties!" Dinah squeals upon seeing Mel and I and gives us a squeeze, "Come on in girls."
We enter and our faces meet with the faces of the rest of Fifth Harmony.
"Are these your new sisters Dinah?" Ally asks as she approaches us.
"Yes they are," Dinah proudly says.
"Oh my gosh! It's so great to finally meet you!" Ally says as she gives us a hug, "Which one of you is Skyler and which one of you is Mel?"
"I'm Melanie," Mel says, "but you could call me Mel."
"Mel, I love it. And you must be Skyler?" Ally asks, pointing at me.
"Yes but you could call me Sky," I say, brushing a hair strand behind my ear.
"Well both of you know that I'm Ally, Dinah told me that you two are dedicated Harmonizers before today," Ally says with a chuckle.
I then hear a yell, instantly recognizing it as Lauren, "Come sit with us girls!"
We then head over and make ourselves comfortable on the couch.
"If you girls want anything to drink or a snack to munch on, feel free to help yourself to some refreshments at the snack bar," Normani tells Mel and I as she gestures the location of the snack bar.
    "So what do you girls like to do?" Ally asks.
    I jump in, "Well, I like to act. I also play guitar."
    "That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll make it far as an actress. Also, you may have an opportunity to play guitar for us four ladies," Lauren says and the other girls nod in agreement. Playing guitar for them will be so amazing.
    "Are you acting in school, Sky?" Dinah asks.
    "Well, auditions are being held for my school's production of 'High School Musical'. I want to audition for it," I blurt out.
    "You should do it! You like to act and it will be the perfect opportunity for you to share your acting talent!" Normani says.
    "Yeah I'm highly suggesting it," I say.

Mel's POV
    "Yeah I'm highly suggesting it," Sky says upon Normani telling her that she should audition for our school's production of "High School Musical" since she likes to ask.
    "So do any of you girls sing?" Lauren curiously asks.
     As much as I want to say I do, I just keep quiet.  If a stranger asked me to sing for them, I would; but the situation I'm in now, it's different. They are Fifth Harmony, a girl group known for their fierce vocals. If I say I sing, they may force me to sing and once I sing for them, I'm afraid they may not like it.
   Next thing you know my cover is blown by Sky, "Mel does."
   I turn to Sky and give her my "why-did-you-have-to" look. Sky mouths a "sorry" to me.
   "You sing?" Dinah asks in a surprising way.
   "Y-yeah," I say shyly.
   "Girl you should sing for us!" Normani says enthusiastically.
   "I-I don't know if I should," I mutter.
   "Come on, don't be shy," Lauren says.
   "Yeah don't be! You know, us four may help you land a record deal," Dinah says and the rest of the group nods in agreement.
    Well, from what Dinah said, it could happen. It has been my dream to become a famous singer. Singing for them may lead to them helping me a get a record deal, and then that record deal could change my whole life forever and make my ultimate dream of becoming a famous singer come true.
    After much debating, I start to sing "Who Are You". Three minutes and fifty-four seconds pass and I am done singing. Sky gives me the smile that let's me know that she absolutely adored my singing, which she has always done whenever I sang. But then, I hear the applause of everyone in the room.
    "That was heavenly!" Dinah says squeezing my face and tears coming down her eyes.
    "It really was. You even sang it better than four of us combined. Right ladies?" Ally says.
    "Indeed," Normani and Lauren says at the same time.
    All of sudden, everyone of them including Sky gives me a huge hug. And all I can say is that meeting the girls has made me and Sky very, very, very happy.

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