Chapter 6

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Mel's POV
   "So why is it that you are feeling iffy about accepting Epic's offer of giving you a record deal?" Mom asks as her, me, Sky, Dinah, and dad have this discussion.
   "Well, before Sky and I entered this loving family," I begin with a small smile, "we've read some stuff and watched some videos of the girls not receiving the right treatment from Epic, even though they work so hard."
   "Well it is sort of true," Dinah says. "We're getting paid a decent amount. Not the amount we're expected to receive but a decent one. And lately, with all these major award shows such as the Grammys and the VMAs, we're only either presenters, red carpet presenters, or recognized as a nomination or a winner. All are good but we're not major performers. Overall, we're getting treated decently."
    "However, the girls and I are getting a lot of recognition. We have gold and platinum hits," Dinah finishes off.
    "I know, Dinah, I know. Your input helps," I say. "But look at how TLC were treated by Epic. They were performing at major award shows. But they weren't getting paid after multiple great singles and weren't gifted luxurious cars. They only started getting treated right when they left Epic and switched to another label."
    "This is even happening with Karmin. They're such a good duo that really deserves more recognition. When three of their songs, "Crash Your Party", "Brokenhearted", and "Hello", were getting a lot of radio play, they were highly praised. But after that, they didn't receive radio play. And I've heard some of their latest songs and those songs deserve radio play."
    "I'm not trying to bash your label, Dinah, I just don't think Epic is the right label for me, due to its past treatment," I finish off.
    "Well you do have a good reason," dad says. The rest nod their heads in agreement.
    "But as I stated before," mom begins to speak, "this is your decision baby, not ours." After that, mom and dad leave the room of Sky and I.
    "I understand, Mel, that you aren't trying to bash Epic," Dinah says, "but I really hope you accept this offer. It could be life changing for you." And with that, Dinah leaves the room.
    "I don't know what I'm going to do," I blurt out to Sky once Dinah shut the door.
    "I really like yours and Dinah's arguments," Sky begins, "but if I were you, I would decline the offer."
    "Thank you, Sky. But I'm really considering declining the offer," I say.
    "Well, I'm going to hit the hay. Don't rush into making a decision," Sky advises.
    "Thanks buddy. Good night."
    "Good night."
    What am I going to do?
2 days later
    After putting much thought into this, I have decided to decline Epic's offer. I'd rather wait longer to get a record deal with a very good and supportive record label then deal with the unfair treatment I'm going to receive when I'm with Epic.
    I got downstairs and see that mom, dad, and Dinah are coming in with groceries.
    "Hi sweetheart," mom greets, "can you yell for Sky to come down so that you and her can help us putting the groceries in the fridge and other places they belong."
    "Yes mom. Sky come down to help us with the groceries!" I yell, obeying mom's command.
Sky comes down and as soon as she arrives, we sort out the groceries. After ten minutes-yes there are that much groceries due to the huge amount of people in this family-all the groceries are finally sorted out. Now it's time to tell them my decision.
"Uh mom?"
"Yes honey?"
"I finally made a decision of Epic's offer," I reluctantly tell her.
"That's good. Uh since I'll be cooking right now, why don't you tell us at dinner?" mom recommends.
"Yeah sure, no problem," I say.
"And Mel?" mom says.
"Yeah mom?"
"Whatever decision you made, just know that I totally support you," she tells me.
"Thanks mom," I say and give her a hug. "Why don't I help you cook dinner? I would sure love to learn how to cook since I never really got a chance to."
"Of course you can honey!" mom says.
2 hours later
Mom, dad, Sky, and finally, me, are setting up the table. After lots of effort, the table is finally set. Mom calls down everyone for dinner. Once everyone gets settled, we hold hands in prayer. Everyone then digs in to get their portions. Once everyone is done getting their portions, the family discussion begins.
Minutes pass and mom makes the announcement of my decision, aka my cue to tell everyone my decision, "So Melanie has made her decision on Epic's offer."
"Really?" Dinah chimes in. "What is it?"
"I'm declining the offer," I reluctantly say.
"Oh why?" Dinah asks with her sad puppy face.
"Due to what I told you about Epic's treatment to you girls and other past artists such as TLC and Karmin, I can't risk being treated like that," I say.
"Well, at least you know what's best for you," dad says. Everyone nods their head in agreement.
"Thank you," I reluctantly say. After that, Gina brings up her day at school.
Once everyone is finished, Dinah, mom, Sky, and I help clean up. After about twenty minutes, the leftover food is thrown out, table has been disinfected, and all the dishes are in the dishwasher. As I was cleaning up, I had a feeling that Dinah was disappointed in my decision. I need to talk to her.
"Hey Dinah?" I ask.
"Yeah Mel?"
"Can I talk to you when you're down with whatever you need to do?"
"Yeah you can. Just come to my room. I'll call you when I'm done," she tells me. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah but I want your input," I sort of lie.
"No problem boo," and with that she goes off with whatever she needs to do.
I enter the room of Sky and I and see that Sky is rehearsing her lines.
"Hey, just wanted to tell you that I'm glad you made the right decision," she tells me.
"Thanks sista. But I feel like I disappointed Dinah," I confess to her.
"Why would you disappoint her? From our discussion she sort of agreed with you," Sky points out.
"I just feel like she may think that I was bashing her label."
"You should talk to her about it."
"That's what I'm going to do when she's done doing whatever she does before she goes to bed," I say letting out a small smile.
Minutes later I hear Dinah call out my name, "Mel I'm ready!"
"Wish me some good vibes," I tell Sky as I leave.
"I got you buddy," Sky says.
My heart rate rises as I make the journey to her room. I enter her room and it seems to rise even more. I'm so nervous to have this discussion with her.
"Hi Dinah," I mutter.
"Hi sweetie, have a seat here," Dinah says, patting a spot next to her on her bed.
I take my spot. "So what is it that you wanted to discuss with me about?"
I take a deep breath, "When I announced that I'm not accepting Epic's offer, due to what I think about them as a label, you seemed upset. I assume-and I hate assuming-that you thought I was bashing your label."
Dinah then takes my hands in hers, "Mel, it's alright. I am not upset and I totally didn't think that you were bashing Epic. From what you discussed with me, mom, dad, and Sky, I totally understood why you were feeling so iffy about becoming a part of Epic. I'm glad that you followed what your gut was telling you too."
Wow. I totally didn't expect that. Dinah was so understanding that it just warmed up my heart. I give her big hug, "I love you so much."
      "I love you too baby girl," Dinah says. After that she gives me a kiss on the shoulder.
      We break our embrace. "I should go to bed now," I tell as I get up to go my room.
      "You really should. You got to get your edumacation tomorrow and I need to hit rehearsals. SO BAH FELICIA!" she says and then both fall into laughter.
      "Good night," I wish her, still laughing.
      "Good night," she wishes me back, still laughing also.
      Overall, I'm glad that it turned out well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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