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David: the people at the hospital said that I couldn't visit Liza, for a while, saying that she needed time to rest. I hope that means that they think she will be okay...

Since I had a lot of time to kill before I could visit her again I figured that I should try to keep my life going. I decided I would go to Zane's house and help him make a collab with me and Gabbie. It was a Q and A. It was all going well until Gabbie asked the question, " what means most to you?", and I lost it.

All the feeling I've been holding in suddenly exploded, like a balloon being popped. All the despair, guilt, anxiety, and anger exploded out of me. I started uncontrollably yelling and screaming flip

ping tables and chairs, tearing things off the walls. Zane and Gabbie were sitting there speechless. When I finally started to calm down I heard Gabbie yell, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE DAVID!"

I ran to my car to cool down. I felt so ashamed. I'm such an idiot, I might have lost my girlfriends, and now thanks to me not being able to be a man, I probrally lost my best friend as well.

I drove home and went straight to bed.

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