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I don't think I can ever get him back but the LSD and Acid makes me feel alot better.
I got up hung over and got ready for my job. I'm a fucking journalist, what am I going to write about?!
I should write about my fucked up love life between Syd and Steve.
I still talk to Syd and she comes over; but Steve and I are weird we ask about each other all the time.
I'm just a big bitch! I fucking cheated on Steve with his lead band singer.
I hate myself!

I drive my self to work and walked in my job with a beating headache. I heard everyone saying things about me and all eyes were on me.

"Gosh she's a slut." Sandy whispered to Amela. I looked in there direction with a death stare, I hate my  co-workers souls.

After 5 hours of hell, I finally went home and layed down on my comfortable bed.

"Back to square 1!" I said grabbing a bottle of Grey Goose. One day all of my co-workers are gonna suffer. Their uteruses will turn black and I won't give a fuck.

Before I could at least get a swigg of my carbonated profound love, there was a knock at the door.

Knock knock knock

"It's Syd open up!" I heard a voice come from the door. I opened the door and hid the bottle of alcohol behind my back as if I was trying to cover it up.

"You're drinking again, huh?" Syd calmly asked me.

I shook my head and went to the refrigerator to put the bottle up.

"Steve asked about you." Syd played with her hands.

"Why should he care?" I slammed the refrigerator door and then sat next to Syd.

"Well ever since he found out about us he's been being a little bitch." Syd giggled.

Some months ago Syd and Steve got me in my feelings and Steve walked in on Syd laying with me (No we didn't have sex, but I was flirting around with Syd). Steve forgave the both of us but I don't think he's over it and besides I didn't know what I wanted back then. 

"Honestly you should be with me. That's my nigga and all but he been left you for some other hoe. He good." Syd put her arm around me.

"I think you're right." I kissed Syd on her cheek.

"I sexed it away"- Solange

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